ITB Students Achieved Awards in Samsung App Challenge
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

"The event was a real way to apply the students' knowledge and a chance to grow new innovations initiated by the students themselves," Dr. Ayu Purwarianti said as the chairman of Informatics Engineering major in ITB. She delivered opening speech at the moment. In the event, there was presentation about the application the finalists had made before. There were two universities went through the selection process until becoming the finalists which were ITB and Telkom University.In ITB, IDE Gamma team members which were Genta Indra Winata (Informatics Engineering 2011), James Jaya (Informatics Engineering 2011), dan Ignatius Evan Daryanto (Informatics Engineering 2011) successfully got the first place on their application, Groove Sync. The second place was taken by Sharon Loh (Informatics Engineering 2010), Timotius Kevin (Informatics Engineering 2010), and Arie Tando (Informatics Engineering 2010). Their application was named Lava Choco Cake. On the third place, there were Ganesha 001 team members which were Samuel Cahyawijaya (Informatics Engineering 2010), Jordan Fernando (Informatics Engineering 2010), and Nikodermus Adriel Limanthie (Informatics Engineering 2010).
The application which was done by IDE Gamma team, Groove Sync, is based on music. The idea was actually inspired by the development of entertainment in Indonesia, especially music. Through this application, music lovers who love to use similar application for searching or listening to the music will feel the new sensation in playing some music instruments at the same time. On the other side, the users can also save the playlist in Groove Sync.
In Telkom University, the first place was the team which designed Pentastic games application. Through this kind of event, the students will get chance to declare the knowledge they have had. "We really appreciate the participants' creativity. The application will be integrated to Samsung Development Kit (SDK)," Ronal Stevanus said as the head of Samsung App Challenge committee and the developer of Evangelist for Samsung Asua Pte Ltd.
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