ITB Students Are Ready to be Smart Electors in Pemilu 2014

Oleh Annisa Mienda

Editor Annisa Mienda

BANDUNG, election (Indonesian: Pemilihan Umum or Pemilu) 2014 is coming closer. On April 9th 2014, the Indonesian citizens will implement the democratic systems by electing some best leaders who will represent them in the government seats. One of the most important elements in Pemilu 2014 is the Indonesian youth. This is due to the amount of Indonesian youth who will be young electors as well, which reach 53 million people or 28% of total Indonesian electors. In order to participate in the democratic system properly, a systematic education mechanism about Pemilu 2014 is urgently needed for the young electors. Thus, the amount of abstentions by the youngsters could be reduced effectively and efficiently.


According to the data provided by Center of Election and Political Party Universitas Indonesia (UI), young electors aged 17-29 year old increase twofold in Pemilu 2014 compared to Pemilu 2009. Addressing this, ITB students must have known that the youth have to involve in providing education about Pemilu 2014. This could be done either through public discussion, publication through creative media, or any other actions that take up Pemilu issues in a new and different way.

The young electors also need to get Pemilu education directly from the institutions that evolve in Pemilu 2014 so that the education done is right on the targets. "Due to the increasing amount of young electors in Pemilu 2014, Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) should pay more attention to them. What young electors need now is the education about Pemilu 2014, such as the mechanism of election", stated Nyoman Anjani (Head of KM ITB 2013/2014).

"Yuk Milih" Movement

In Pemilu 2014, the young electors should maintain a neutral stance but does not lead to be apathetic nor unconcerned about their own country's future. Through "Yuk Milih" movement, Keluarga Mahasiswa ITB (KM ITB) is trying to participate in educating the youngsters, especially ITB students, about Pemilu itself. The movement that focuses on informing issues about Pemilu 2014 is delivered in a free-and-easy way, attractive, and educative as well. "As Indonesian youth, we do need to concern about the future of this nation, one of the ways is by voting during the election, not giving an abstention", stated Nyoman.

With various modification and improvement, the "Yuk Milih" movement will be continuously held until Pemilu 2014 is done. "Politic is an art. This time, the youngsters have to choose which artist who suits best to "draw" on this country for five years ahead. I invite all of Indonesian youth who already have suffrage to vote in Pemilu 2014, for better Indonesia," said Nyoman concluding the interview.

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