Held Again, PLC Ladder Programming Competition of Engineering Physics of ITB
By Ria Ayu Pramudita
Editor Ria Ayu Pramudita

With the theme of "Competence Enhancement of Human Resources in PLC", this competition succeeded in drawing enthusiasms of the college students. It could be seen from the number of registered participants of 198 teams from 54 universities in Indonesia. ITB itself sent 18 teams in this opportunity.
"In the preliminary round, the participants are divided into 22 groups, from each group will be taken 2 best teams to go to the final round," said Ir. Endra Joelianto, Ph.D as the chairman of the event. "In the final round, will be chosen 10 best teams as the winners," he said again. The judge team of this competition are representatives from the vendor, academicians, and industrial practitioners.
According to Endra, by participating in this competition, the participants would get various priceless experiences. Beside getting competition experience in national level, the participants would also get various experiences of meeting with other students from other universities.
In his speech, the Head of ITB Engineering Physics Study Program, Dr. Ir. Nugroho Soelami, said that this PLC competition was one of the contribution of Engineering Physics Study Program to increase the competence of Indonesian engineering undergraduates in industrial automation field. Through this event, it was hoped the interest and competitive skill of Indonesian college students in PLC programming field.
"This event is also designed as the gathering and discussion event from the people who are interested in PLC to the industrial automation technology development with PLC in Indonesia," Nugroho added.
Held National Workshop and PLC Exhibition
Besides PLC programming competition, there was another agenda, i.e. national workshop and PLC exhibition in Tuesday (10/04/12). The workshop was open to public with the theme of "Totally Integrated Automation". It was hoped that both of the events could increase the knowledge of the students about the newest technology advances in this field.
"The workshop and the exhibition were good, the contents was very interesting and beneficial," said Muhammad Hariomurti, one of the participant from Al-Azhar Indonesia University. "I hope the event wasn't only about the competition, but also a place to share knowledge."