Curriculum Workshop 2013 - 2018 SBM ITB: Prepare Qualified Students Ready to Compete Globally
By Akbar Syahid Rabbani
Editor Akbar Syahid Rabbani

The workshop was opened by the Dean of SBM ITB, Prof. Dr. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, and followed by all teachers SBM is a beginning drafting a strategy to improve the competitiveness and quality of SBM students through curriculum development. In February 2013, the development of curriculum that have been made by all teachers will be assigned to the SBM ITB. In the opening speech, Prof. Dr. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono, expects SBM ITB can reproduce the research and scientific papers published in international journals and international accreditation such as Equis, AACSB, EFMD and ABEST 21 that will soon be out the results. This of course makes SBM ITB increasingly become one of the business schools recognized by the international community.
For this year, SBM ITB graduate program has two courses, namely: Entrepreneurship Degree Program and Management Degree Program. Entrepreneurship Degree Program graduates can fill a variety of entrepreneurial activities as an entrepreneur first, business designers, business consultants, business developers, investors, social entrepreneur, franchisees, credit analyst, escort business, entrepreneurship and policy makers.
While Management Degree Program graduates are expected to have skills in analyzing and designing management systems, adept at using the concepts and framework of management and technology for solving problems in enterprise management, has exceptional leadership and able to take decisions and management with effective communication skills and be able to adapt to the context of the problems faced by management.
So it is with the Graduate Program (S2) at SBM ITB, which consists of the Master of Science in Management (MSM) and Master of Business Admininstrasi (MAB), and the Doctoral Program (S3) is a Doctor of Science in Management (DSM). In the curriculum 2013 - 2018, Master of Science in Management Development Program, based on changes in a more balanced graduate orientation: the orientation of science and solving orientation. That is, with a greater emphasis on the field - a field that characterizes special. Going forward there will be MSM Finance, which is a proposal for an independent stream of SBM ITB MSM Studies program. This program is designed to finance S2 positioning program with a powerful analytic capabilities. Similarly, the Masters in Business Administration program, which focuses on developing managerial skills to be prepared to the level of the CEO and other top level.