ITB Students Awarded Panasonic Scholarship 2015

Oleh Vinskatania Agung A

Editor Vinskatania Agung A

BANDUNG, - Getting a scholarship for studying in college is a dream of most students. Moreover, nowadays a lot of scholarships from  institutions and organizations are not only providing scholarships in the form of educational grants, but also giving  necessary soft skills training that students need. At the end of last May, two students of ITB Muchammad Arya Zamal (Industrial Engineering 2012) and Putri Ayu Cintiya Darmawan (Metallurgical Engineering 2012), were selected as recipients of Panasonic Scholarship 2015. To receive this scholarship, they both have gone through a rigorous selection process.

This scholarship is intended for students from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gajah Mada, Universitas Sebelas Maret, and Universitas Dana Persada. There were two stages of selection: application selection and  interview. For the application selection process, each university selected their four best students to go to the interview. Then, the students who are short listed would be interviewed by officials of  Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia. From this stage, 8 students were picked among 127 registrants of the scholarship and two of them were from ITB.
Panasonic Scholarship grants fifteen million dollars per semester and soft skill training activities. The grantee was assessed based on their good track record in both academical and organizational activities, also their English communication skills since the interview was conducted in English. One of the grantee named Arya is currently the Chairman of the Industrial Engineering Student Association (MTI) and had  previously worked as a staff in the Ministry of Social and Politic in Cabinet ITB (KM-ITB).

Beside willing to help his parents in university funding, Arya's  motivation  in applying this scholarships is because of  his curiosity about Panasonic Manufacturing Indonesia. His knowledge background  in college as an Industrial Engineering student is very close to Panasonic field, so Arya wants to gain more knowledge and experience in building a manufacturing company because his dream is to be an entrepreneur in the field of manufacturing. In addition, Arya also hopes to broaden his networking by getting this scholarship.

In Arya's opinion, a high determination  is a must-have qualification in order to get any scholarship because generally the process in order to be awarded a scholarship is very tough. The process is not only about the long selection stages, but also the amount of documents and applications that have to be taken care of.  To succeed in getting a scholarship, the first thing to do is to look for the suitable scholarship persistently. For ITB students information about scholarships can be obtained from ITB Student Council.

Aside from Student Council, scholarship information can also be obtained from  Student Association (HMJ) or from the internet. After deciding  the desired scholarship, the next step is to prepare the application and submit them. In this stage, patience and persistence are very important during documents preparation, especially for the scholarship that has a close deadline. "To obtain a scholarship, students must be diligent and patient, and also follow the selection process," said Arya.

Photo: Muhammad Arya (Industrial Engineering 2012).  

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