ITB Students Create Innovative Mobility Solutions at International Student Multidisciplinary Design Camp 2023
By Anggun Nindita
Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - Several students from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) have achieved outstanding accomplishments in the Student Multidisciplinary Design Camp 2023 (D-Camp) International Competition that was held in Dunnae Myeon City, South Korea.
This competition carried the theme of 'Future Mobility', which is an international capstone project competition challenging students to create innovative products as solutions to address future mobility issues.In this competition, the ITB student teams delivered a remarkable performance, securing gold, silver, and bronze medals. Here are the lists of ITB Students who excelled in the Student Multidisciplinary Design Camp 2023 International Competition.
Gold Medal:
- Farras Taufiqurrazak (Product Design'19)
- Dita Saraswati (Mechanical Engineering'19)
Silver Medal:
- Epifania Desiarni (Product Design'19)
- Bagas Nathanael (Mechanical Engineering'19)
- Jessica Anastasia (Product Design'19)
- Hasya Azzahrine Mumtaz (Product Design'19)
- Muhammad Faris Fadhillah (Mechanical Engineering'19)
Bronze Medal:
- Baharuddin Yusuf Ahmadi (Mechanical Engineering'19)
- Jasmine Victoria (Product Design'19)
- Nur Mutmainnah Rahim (Biomedical Engineering'19)
- Baejoh (Electrical Engineering'19)
- Safira Dastalenta (Mechanical Engineering'19)
- Ocktania Bunga Rosova (Product Design'19)
- Participation:
- Hanarum Kamalinda Imansyah (Mechanical Engineering'19)
- Prasidya Dhanurendra Zijlstra (Product Design'19)
Apart from the students, several lecturers from ITB also attended the event to provide support and guidance towards the Student teams. These lecturers were:
- Indria Herman S.T., M.T., Ph.D (Mechanical Engineering)
- Slamet Riyadi, M.Ds., Ph.D. (Product Design)
- Dr. Ir. Sri Raharno, S.T., M.T. (Mechanical Engineering)
- Prof. Ir. Andi Isra Mahyuddin, Ph.D. (Mechanical Engineering)
- Dr. Nedina Sari, S.Sn., M. Sn. (Product Design)
- Intan Prameswari, M.Ds. (Product Design)
One of the gold medal awardees, Dita Saraswati, expressed that the preparation for this competition was not easy due to challenges such as distance and differences in specialty amongst the team members.
"Honestly, I didn't expect much because we had a shortage of team members while working on the robot. Whereas, room for discussion about the robot was only done with the lecturer since communicating with our Korean teammates was not easy, and the other Indonesian team members had totally different skills from mine," Dita said.
Dita's team consisted of 4 people, with 2 from ITB and 2 from Korea. This team successfully created an innovative solution in the form of a kiosk that can activate a guidance robot to assist the elderly and people with sight and memory disabilities in their mobility.
The students divided the tasks, with the Indonesian students responsible for designing and producing the guidance robot, while the Korean students designed and produced the kiosk.
"The main difficulty during the preparation was that the four of us are busy with our respective studies, making the coordination quite challenging and infrequent. Another challenge was the technical aspect of communication as they were dealing with the kiosk in Korea and we were dealing with the robot in Indonesia," Dita added.
Despite the hardships and challenges they faced during the competition, the team eventually won a gold medal.
"The overall experience – aside from the achievements – was very enjoyable. I got to meet a lot of people from other countries," Dita remarked.
In addition to their rewards, the participants of D-Camp 2023 received an award of 300.000 won for each team as a reward for their participation.
The success of these ITB Students served as an inspiration for other students to participate in similar international competitions and develop their potential in designing innovative solutions that can contribute to society.
Reporter: Satria Octavianus Nababan (Informatics Engineering '21)
Translator: Sherina Wijaya (Geological Engineering'19)
Editor: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)