ITB Team Bring Home the Championship Title in the E2Festa 2016

Oleh Cintya Nursyifa

Editor Cintya Nursyifa

Bandung, - Again, ITB students raising the name of ITB in the international arena. This time, the team managed to become the first champion of the ITB in the E2Festa (Engineering Education Festa) held at Kintex 2 Exhibition Center, South Korea on Friday (11/11/16).

 Event held by The Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KAIST) is an annual contest that invites hundreds of environmental practitioners from all over the world. In this section, the team managed to bring two titles of champion home, i.e. the Major Champion by team Kodinesia with their work entitled "OXY-TREE: Clean Water for Everyone". The member of team are Hidayatulloh (Product Design), Fadil Mochammad (Electrical Engineering), Aditya Iriawan Handoko (Mechanical Engineering), as well as three other team members who came from Chonbuk National University, Korea. In addition, any Team from ITB Megatron won the Excellence Award with team member Rahasih Lupita Maheswari (Product Design), Caroline Silent Ginani (Architectural Engineering), Aflin Tris Hibatullah (Engineering Physics), Mega Pradipta (Mechanical Engineering), as well as three other team members who came from Mokpo National University, Korea.

Through international correspondence, from representing the team, admitted his team is very pleased to be able to go out as a champion. "Thank God, after struggling for almost a year, starting from brainstorming ideas, with all the limitations of language and difference majors, it turns out we can get past it all and finally be able to realize our dream for making a product that we call "Oxy-Tree ". Indeed severe way to create this product to have to sacrifice other things including coursework, but thank God all the sacrifice that paid with the announcement of our team as the Winnwe of the Main E2Festa in Korea," he said. He also hopes that his team can still remain continue to work, and his work can be realized in daily life, not just for this race alone. Lastly, he added, "Hopefully the benefits of our struggle as long as it could make us successful in the future."

(Photo Source: documentation of the ITB team)

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