ITB Welcome Participant of IPSF Students Exchange Program
By kristiono
Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, – School of Pharmacy ITB along with HMF Ars Praeparandi ITB welcome nine foreign students participant of Student Exchage Program of International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF) on Monday (14/7).
They were comes from Serbia (6 student), Slovenia ( 2 student), and Spain (1 student). The participant, under direct supervision of ITB lecture, will conducting research on Food Analysist, Biotechnology, Pharmacology, and Pharmacognosy. Afterward, they were also scheduled to be acquainted with Indonesian culture, to join international night –inter-cultural introductory event- as well as an opportunity to address Bandung recreational sites.
The International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation was founded in 1949 by eight pharmacy student associations in London. The Federation now represents around 350,000 pharmacy students and recent graduates in 70 countries worldwide. The indonesian were represented by HMF Ars Praeparandi ITB, HMF Unpad, BEM Keluarga Mahasiswa Farmasi UGM, BEM Farmasi Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta, and HMD Farmasi FMIPA UI.