SBM ITB Student Team became General Champion of the National Student Competition in Business, Management, and Finance Category 2022
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,— A prideful outcome was achieved by the School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB Student Team of the National Student Competition in the Business, Management, and Finance Category (CBMF) 2022. Four medals were attained from the prestigious competition held by the Centre of National Achievement.
The upheld theme of the year was “Recover Together, Recover Stronger: Improvement on Strengthening and Expanding Food Security, Building Sustainable Infrastructure to Support Indonesia’s G20 Presidential Priority Agenda of 2022 in the Field Framework of Business, Management, and Finance.”
There are five categories in the competition. The five categories are investments research commercialization, efficient research and technology commercialization, scientific paper writing, business planning, and investigative financial auditing. CBMF 2022 participants came from various university, both state and private, all over Indonesia.
The announcement of the winners was held on Wednesday (9/11/2022) through Semen Indonesia International University’s Youtube. Team SuperBagger emerged as Top 3 in the Investments Research category, Team Jatinewyork announced first place in the Efficient Research and Technology Commercialization while Team Afreca obtained second place in similar category. Last but not least, Team PnG won 1st place for the best paper in Scientific Paper Writing category.
The SuperBagger Team consisted of Reynaldo Mulya, Peter Vieriawan (MB 20), and Briana Alifia Putri Alwaliyyu (MK 20) with Yulianto, S.Si., M.A.B., M.Sc. as supervising professor. Meanwhile, the Jatinewyork Team consisted of Ananda Humaira Putri Salsabila, Nadhira Valenia Widyatama Putri, and Afra Samantha from Entrepreneurship’20, supervised by Dr. Isti Rafaldini Mirzantim, M.M.. The Afreca Team consisted of Adam Aliya Silmi, Frisca Nadya Febrianty, Frederik Agustian Budiharja of the Management’20, guided by Atika Irawan, M.Sc.. Lastly, Team PnG had Ghanef Rayyan Hanisfy (MB 20) and Pujangga Reogavi (MK 20), under the guidance of Muhammad Yorga Permana, S.T., M.Sc.
Their accomplishments were not anonymous from the university's role, as well as professors, who acted as supporting systems that accelerate their students’ capacity. “Students are already smart, proactive, and hold many creative ideas. Our task as their mentors were simply but a companion for critical discussion, and assistance to help them think more deeply in detail. We also connect them with alumni who are last year’s winner,” stated Yorga on Monday (28/11/2022). Yorga also provided a consistent discussion space for students even when he currently undergoes further study in London.
He hoped that the obtained achievements could inspire more ITB students to participate in various competitions in line with their speciality. “The intention to compete is far from mere winning, but also to enjoy the process. This experience will become invaluable in the long run, and remembered by the time students enter the professional world. Participating in competitions proved one to be an active learner, as well as able to apply the knowledge learned from college studies to solve real world problems,” he remarked at the end of the interview.
Reporter: Maharani Rachmawati Purnomo (Oceanography, 2020)
Translator: Firzana Aisya (Bioengineering, 2021)