ITB’s Do or Die Team Won Third Place in IECOM 2018
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, – In Industrial Engineering Competition (IECOM) 2018, ITB’s Do or Die Team won the third place and 2000 USD prize money. This team consists of Ryan Aditya Moniaga (Industrial Engineering 2014), Helmi Abdul Ghani (Industrial Engineering 2014), and Farhan Rizaldi Gustira (Engineering Management 2014). Series of the event was held on Sunday-Saturday (7-13/01/18) at ITB Ganesa Campus. The competition is a prestigious event held by Industrial Engineering Students Community (MTI) ITB.
This eighth IECOM carried out the theme “Industry 4.0”. IECOM 2018 succeeded in bringing 15 semifinalists from Indonesia and Philippines. This 15 teams had passed the preliminary which was participated by 83 teams from all over Indonesia and Philippines. All participants got an opportunity to actively participate in discussions especially cross-country. All phases of selection process could trigger participants to compete. “I am grateful and feel rewarded, because participating in this competition is exhausting, seven days in a very competitive competition”, said Helmi on the closing of IECOM 2018.
Do or Die reached the Grand Final along with 4 other teams from Indonesia and 1 from Philippines. The finalists got a chance to have a company visit at PT Gaya Motor. Result of the observation could be applied to solve real case that is given by relating company. This phase aims to formulate the best solution from the jury’s perspective who come from various background such as academician, state apparatus, and industry companies. Formulated solution is expected to be directly implemented by PT Gaya Motor in improving manufacturing process that is adjusted to Industry 4.0of the company.
The grand final of IECOM left particular impression to each team especially to Do or Die. “during the grand final, we found out that what we have learnt in university and what we find on reality is not the same and experience is needed to see the real condition. The observation we do previously is totally different with the theory. Actually, the main point of the grand final is to develop mindset especially in problem solving capability. In this IECOM, it’s all decent. Everything is good. The committee prepare everything well and the participants were competitive hence making the competition exciting. Even though the series is long and exhausting, it’s memorable”, concluded Helmi.
About IECOM 2018
IECOM 2018 as a biennial competition try to display fresh things. Besides applying innovative and problem solving, IECOM 2018 also aims to improve connections between Industrial Engineering students all over Indonesia and the world as one strong industrial community. ITB as the initiator of Industrial Engineering education show its contribution in improving human resources competitiveness through prestigious and inspiring competition. In this competition there could be cross-industry interaction. This interaction could elevate knowledge and become a platform to share knowledge from various perspectives. IECOM in the future is expected to expand the scope of target for better knowledge and impact.