JFE Steel-Hiroshima University ITB Mini Seminar: Improve Knowledge about High Strength Steel

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - In cooperation with JFE Steel Corporation and Hiroshima University, at Thursday (21/05/2015), Materials Engineering Department, Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (FTMD), Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) held JFE Steel - Hiroshima University - ITB Mini Seminar on the topic of High Strength Steel Sheets. Located at Seminar Room in FTMD Building, the seminar presented Prof. Yoshida from Hiroshima University, one of the best ten university in Japan and Dr. Toru Inazumi from JFE Steel Corporation. This seminar  was attended by students from various majors in FTMD as well as majors in other faculty such as Metallurgical Engineering and Civil Engineering. This event itself was a pre-event of a main seminar which will be held in this October.
According to Dr.Eng. Asep Ridwan Setiawan ST, M.Sc. as Materials Engineering lecturer and the chief of the organizing committee, this event is an annual event which was held for the first time at 2014. Divided into two sessions, the first session was presented by Prof. Yoshida from Laboratory of Elasto-Plasticiy Hiroshima University which discussed about Press Forming Technology for High Strength Steel Sheets. In this occasion, Prof. Yoshida explained about elasto-plasticity theory, press forming technology and Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation for high strength steel. In the second session Dr. Toru Inazumi conveyed the discussion of the High Strength Steels for Automotive Application which is very useful in giving understanding about the use of high strength steel in automotive industry.

Indonesia still imports steel to fulfill automotive industry needs, while  Government Regulation already stated that automotive industry is required to increase the local material content in their products. In consequence, JFE Steel Corporation saw this as an opportunity and established steel galvanization factory JFE Steel Galvanizing Indonesia (JSGI) in Indonesia. The presence of this factory is expected to decrease the number steel import in Indonesia.

As a new company in Indonesia, JFE Steel Corporation using  this seminar to shared knowledge and also to introduced and promoted their company so it will attracted ITB students' interest after they graduated to join JSGI . As proverb says 'killing two birds with one stone', students can expand their knowledge about high strength steel and get information and opportunity to work in JFE Steel Corporation which is the second largest steel corporation in Japan. Besides, Materials Engineering ITB with Hiroshima University is currently initiating double degree program and research cooperation in steel. Through this event, Asep expected  a good relationship between ITB with the JFE Steel Corporation and Hiroshima University in the future.

Translated by : Apresio Kefin Fajrial (ITB Journalist Apprentice 2015)

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