Kalanova; First Year FSRD ITB Academic Exhibition Constructing Art Stereotypes
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

Bandung, itb.ac.id – Institut Teknologi Bandung Faculty of Arts and Design First Year students (TPB FSRD ITB) once again held an academic exhibition for TPB FSRD 2022 students. This event took place offline in the ITB East Hall, for two days from 10-11 June 2023. This year, TPB FSRD 2022 students carry the name Kalanova as the identity of the exhibition.
This exhibition is an annual event held to showcase the TPB FSRD ITB students’ artworks over their one year of study. This event was aimed to show maximum potential of art and design. Not only that, this event is also a collaboration platform for all TPB FSRD ITB 2022 students from every multicampus branch.
The Academic Exhibition "Kalanova" raised the issue of widespread stereotypes about artists who are labeled as bad and different from the general public. Chief Executive of Kalanova 2023 Gabriella stated that art is a necessity of human life that cannot be separated both individually and socially.
"So, the team designed the Kalanova Exhibition as a form of proving the untrue circulating stereotypes by self-actualization," she said.
Kalanova is an acronym of the words kaulis, palavos, auxa, menon, and vagari which were taken from Greek. Kaulis means glorious leaders who are able to solve problems. Palavos has the meaning of a courageous person meant as a symbol of the courage to erase stereotypes. Auxanomenon means to grow as a symbol of self-actualization where the individual originates from . Meanwhile, vagari means traveler as a symbol of the main character in the storyline of the TPB Academic Exhibition.
The implied meaning of Kalanova was shown in an art performance by TPB FSRD ITB 2022 students. As the opening act on the first day on Saturday (10/6/2023), a performance arts show was held at the ITB Rotunda.
Epic costumes and impressive stage props were presented by TPB FSRD ITB students to attract "Kawanova", as Kalanova 2023 visitors were called. This was proven when the ITB Rotunda area began to fill with a sea of ??people during the parade.
The success of the performance arts show certainly cannot be separated from the efforts and hard work of the TPB FSRD ITB students. Property Staff Andi revealed that the property work began in early March 2023. "This work was carried out intensively for a week before the event. The property describes their journey while undergoing their TPB FSRD studies," he said.
The visitors' enthusiasm were also evident after the performance art show, shown by them lining up for the Kalanova 2023 exhibition in the East Hall. In total, approximately 1,600 works were exhibited at this event. The works were divided into four categories; Object Drawings, Construction Drawings, Real Design 2D, and Real Design 3D, that can be enjoyed by visitors.
The first day of Kalanova was closed with an exhibition visit. As the opening of the event, Kalanova was successful with a total of 2905 visitors. It is hoped that with the Kalanova exhibition, it can further increase public intelligence and interest in the arts. At the same time, it can construct new stereotypes about art and artists.
Reporter: Pravito Septadenova Dwi Ananta (Geological Engineering, 2019)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)