Karya Lemniscate: A Solutive Mathematical Modeling Exhibition By Mathematics 2014 Students
By Abdiel Jeremi W
Editor Abdiel Jeremi W

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Many solutions promise an ideal conditions, but efficiency. With mathematical modeling, a synergy of solutions and efficiency is inevitable. This issue turned out to be realized in an exhibition titled "KALEM" (Karya Lemniscate) 2015 on Saturday (19/09/15) in ITB Tunnel. Prof. Akhmaloka as Rector of ITB 2010-2015 even took time to attend this event, of which theme is "Solutive But Fun". Prof. Dr. Edy Tri Baskoro as Dean of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Dr. Agus Yodi G. as Head of Undergraduate Mathematics Study Program were also seen in this event. There are exhibitions of modeling with thematic mock-ups, games, and Mathca card exhibition. The committees likewise provide space to ask for the visitors who are curious about the mathematical modeling and solutions given in this KALEM.
"The purpose of this event is to increase sensitivity to the various problems that exist in ITB," said Evi (Mathematics 2014), as a member of the Division of Creations of KALEM 2015. Along with the growing number of activities in ITB campus, due to increasing human resources that have an interest in using the facility on the campus of ITB, infrastructure support then becomes an unbargainable urgency. This exhibition of Mathematical 2014 students' work has answered some issues, especially regarding facilities around the campus of ITB. The problems are the layout of chairs in the TVST building, the addition of shady lanes, improved hygiene of Intel (Indonesia Tenggelam), and Wi-Fi coverage area optimizations around the campus of ITB.
Modeling As Manifestation Of Solutions' Efficiency
The problems mentioned above have been answered in the form of modeling solutions. In addressing the facilities gap of every room, a limited size, and tightly placed chairs, then by setting the density, the interval between seats can be stretched without reducing the number of seats in TVST. Additionally, the design of seats is suggested to be similar with those at Gedung Kuliah Umum (GKU). Next, to oppress the quick moss' growth, yet regarding environmental and aesthetic applications, the predator-prey method in the maintaining the pleco fishes on Intel pool is expected to resolve this issue. The number of fish is specified with differential equations, using various variables such as moss growth rate, the pool's area, productivity, and many more. "Using our mined data, we optimized the equation, so that the pool can be clean with the right number of purchased fish," replied Mudita Gunawan as the KALEM 2015 Chairman.
ITB has sufficient installation of Wi-Fi routers, yet they are not well-placed, that some areas aren't Wi-Fi covered. To determine the best place for deploy a router, the committees showed off the layout plan of the router locations. Then, to fix the shady lanes issue, the modeling used is by comparing the value of efficiency between the distance between a building to another and the distance of the nearest shady lane that connects them. Turns out the efficiency value is already high enough, that this solution might increasingly supports the manifest of shady lanes additions on the nearest distance. "We've consulted with lecturers in ITB and other Math students. This is just a suggestion for ITB. I hope that this issue can be examined further and refined in order to achieve the goal as an ideal campus," closed Mudita.