The Inauguration of KM ITB President and MWA-Student Representative 2012/2013
By Christanto
Editor Christanto

Beside the inauguration of KM ITB President 2012/2013, Briliandaru Mahardhiyasa Pribadi (Electrical Engineering 2008) was also inaugurated as the Student Representative of Majelis Wali Amanat (MWA-WM) for the period of 2012/2013. Under the provision of KM ITB Congress, Briliandaru was mandated to replace Syarif Rousyan Fikri (Electrical Engineering 2007) as the MWA-WM for 2011/2012.
The inauguration began by singing "Indonesia Raya" by all members of KM ITB. The event continued with the reading of the position appointment, led by Arse Nur Hidayat (Geodesy 2008), the Chairman of KM ITB Congress.
"Make ITB as the campus of hope. Therefore we need to make acceleration. Please help this cabinet," said Anjar in his first speech as KM ITB President.
Briliandaru said, "We will make KM ITB become more ideal, so help us in carrying out his mandate." At the end of this inauguration, ITB students who come from different students community sing the Hymn of KM ITB and "Mentari".
The Profile
Prior to become the KM ITB President, Anjar is actively involved in many organizations. This members of Student Representative Ikatan Mahasiswa Geodesi (IMG) ITB has become the Profession and Innovation Minister in the cabinet of KM ITB 2011/2012.
Briliandaru, the alumni of SMA 1 Jember, is a member of Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektro (HME) ITB. In HME, Briliandaru is actively involved in various activities, such as the chairman of internal events and the character minister staff. In KM ITB Congress, Briliandaru becomes the Chairman of Elections Commision.
The inauguration began by singing "Indonesia Raya" by all members of KM ITB. The event continued with the reading of the position appointment, led by Arse Nur Hidayat (Geodesy 2008), the Chairman of KM ITB Congress.
"Make ITB as the campus of hope. Therefore we need to make acceleration. Please help this cabinet," said Anjar in his first speech as KM ITB President.
Briliandaru said, "We will make KM ITB become more ideal, so help us in carrying out his mandate." At the end of this inauguration, ITB students who come from different students community sing the Hymn of KM ITB and "Mentari".
The Profile

Briliandaru, the alumni of SMA 1 Jember, is a member of Himpunan Mahasiswa Elektro (HME) ITB. In HME, Briliandaru is actively involved in various activities, such as the chairman of internal events and the character minister staff. In KM ITB Congress, Briliandaru becomes the Chairman of Elections Commision.