Kick Andy Offair : Honing the Beacon of Soul, Seizing the Success Life

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

There are lots of great full-spirited people, but unfortunately they are not happy with the field or job that they are occupying now. In fact, the potential possessed by somebody can be continuously honed so it can fruit success. With the theme "Beacon of Soul", Andy  Noya has successfully inspired more than 3000 audiences of Kick Andy Offair that was held on Friday (12/08/11) at Sasana Budaya Ganesha, Bandung.
The Event brought by Kick Andy and ITB was presenting 3 inspiring speakers, they were : Yoris Sebastian, Nugie, and Wahyu Aditya. Stories told by them were about their life journey, in choosing the right job that became their "Beacon of Soul", so they could seize their success.

The Fruit of Creativity

Yoris Sebastian, for example, chose to leave his college in the age of 19, and started his career to be a journalist in one magazine. Because of his honed creativity , He kept learning until he became the General Manager of Hard Rock Cafe when he was 26 years old. "When others held concert on Saturday or Sunday, i tried to be creative,i hold it on Monday," said Yoris.

In his career journey, Yoris hold the 'Happynomics' principle, it means that he would do something based on his passion, but he could still earn money from it. "Everytime i choose my step, i always ask myself, am I happy? or not?" uttered Yoris. He also believed that creativity could be trained, so intellectuality didn't determine creativity.

Light up the Darkness

Wahyu Aditya became another inspiring figure. In retracing his life, Adit chose design as his career, instead of being a doctor like what his parents desired. Adit chose design because it was his beacon of soul, since he was a kid. Adit's achievement has increasingly etched when he successfully established Animation School that had a vision to campaign Indonesia to the world with design.

"There are 2 ways in undergoing career, following the flow of water or following the beacon of soul. By following the beacon of soul it means lighting up the darkness," said Adit, "The more we hone our beacon of soul, the better we can hone our ability," added Adit.

Just like Adit, Nugie also became one of Indonesian inspirations who chose to be a musician as his career. In 1992 while he was studying at University of Indonesia, Nugie already became radio announcer who was able to finance his college expenses, in addition to his singing talent.

When he was about to graduate from the UI, Nugie resigned and quit college, he was disappointing his parents. "I believe, following the Beacon of Soul would not always run smoothly, but after i became musician, I could make something that made my parents happy," said Nugie   

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