KM-ITB Prepared Students for Competing in PKM

Oleh Bangkit Dana Setiawan

Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

BANDUNG, - Based on one of student's role, that is as agent of change in society, science skills, profesional skills and creativity neeeded to create an action to adress the various demand of the problems that occurs in the socitey. KM-ITB believes that Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM) is tools for students to develop their creativity for the benefit of the society through application of science, profesional skills, therefore on Wednesday and Thursday (10-11/09/2014), Ministry of Research and Technology KM-ITB held Centralized Socialization PKM ITB 2014 to all of students at East GKU ITB and West CC ITB. In this event, attended by ITB team who successfully got a silver medal in previous PKM and also Ibnu Badillah (Alumni of Chemistry ITB) who won PKM 2009.

PKM is annual event which is held by the Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti), as a creative space for students who interested, talent and intellectual diversity. Ministry of Research and Technology KM-ITB, Steve Yudea (Physics 2010), explained that PLM is divided into seven categories, those are categories of technology, community surface, creative and initiative, entrepreneurship, research, scientific articlesm and ideas in writing. "Broadly, the selection PKM program begins with the selection of proposals  and the proposal which is sucessfuly  meets the stadardization of the comitee will funded by PKM and being eligible for monitoring and evaluation from PKM's comitee. After passed the monitoring and evaluation selection, participants have the opportunity to follow the national selection, and are required to present the result of their work in order to fight posters and presentation medals," said Steve.

In his speech, Steve said that PKM aims to increase research activities, scientific and technology development, and how those technologies can be applied in society. The aim of this socialization is to increase quantity and quality of ITB students proposal in PKM event. KM-ITB will provide assistance in the form of workshop and presentatiion training to teams whose proposals passed the selection.

As first step, KM-ITB established PKM service center which can be functioned as information media about PKM and a place to look for teemates from other courses and to find any ideas that can be submitted in PKM. "About 69 years ago, Bung Hatta asked to Bung Karno, do our childern can cultivate natural resources for Indonesian people's prosperity? Now its time for students to answer that question, not only by words but also by action and our research," said Steve cited the Soekarno-Hatta talks in the ending of his speech.

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