Learning Inspiration from Independent Director of PT. Holcim, Lilik Unggul Raharjo
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, tib.ac.id – People say age is just a number. It is not a reason to stop learning. That message is delivered by Lilik Unggul Raharjo, a graduate from Global Leadership Class, Master’s Program in Business Administration of SBM-ITB Jakarta campus. His learning spirit remains high on his senior age and on his position as an executive in a big company.
Lilik said that, during his study in Master’s Program he gained new insight, especially on business and technology. It is also a chance for him to widen his network because there he met people of different generations, different backgrounds, and different job positions. “Besides to motivating myself, I hope to also motivate people around me such as my children,” said the man born on 16th August 1965.
On his thesis, Lilik discusses about the challenge and opportunity of building material industry in Indonesia related to the industrial revolution 4.0. It is relating to the mapping industry 4.0 and its relevance to material industry. “What is the challenge, the opportunity? All of those are mapped to find the solution,” he said. With the thesis, Lilik graduated with cumlaude.
Lilik was graduated together with other 450 graduates on Second Graduation of ITB Academic Year 2018/2019 on 5th April 2019 at Sasana Budaya Ganesha. “We have to always be ‘open’ if we want to progress, because from my interactions as a student there are many lesson that we can learn outside of classroom. The various professions, positions, and educational backgrounds of each student is an effective way to enrich our mind,” he concluded.