Lecturer of ITB Achieved Variance Prize Award
By Hastri Royyani
Editor Hastri Royyani

Variance is journal of The Casualty Actuaial Society in USA. Variance price award emphasized the scoring for the award based on the newest idea on the paper about insurance.
Along with Prof. Gary G. Venter, FCAS, ASA, MAAA , Dumaria proposed paper 'Robustifying Reserving'. The paper presented an introduction of robust methods for loss reserving, and it compared reserving models for a development triangle based on the sensitivity of the reserve estimates to changes in individual data points.
"We did the research for long tail insurance such as for workers compensation," said Duma when was interviewed on Friday (27/01/12). In actuarial science, people learn to predict the finance risk on the future.
Progress of Actuarial Science in Indonesia
Dumaria was the first Indonesian people that got this award. Dumaria said that she still has many dreams for progressing actuarial science in Indonesia.
"As a lecturer, all I can do is sharing everything I know about actuarial to my collegian," Duma said. Since government decided that an insurance company should have at least an actuary, the need of actuary was higher.
However, the number of actuary in Indonesia was not enough. "If the condition is not anticpated then many insurance company will invite actuary from other country to come to Indonesia and it's not good," said Duma.
Because of this problem, since 2008 Mathematics Major in ITB and Persatuan Aktuaris Indonesia worked together to increase the number of competent actuary in Indonesia, said Duma who will get award and present the paper on Phoenix, USA, this May.