ITB Team Wins The World's Highest Award at the 2020 Huawei ICT Competition
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - A team from Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) accomplish a proud achievement for Huawei ICT Global Competition 2020. In this event, the ITB team won first place for the Network & Cloud category in the competition which carries a theme of ‘Connection, Glory, Future’.
Previously, this team from ITB also represented Indonesia as the champion for The Asia Pacific region in the field of track network and cloud (18-21 October 2020). Huawei ICT Global Competition 2020 is a world-class competition that took place on November 6-14, 2020. This competition was conducted online by accessing Huawei's e-Lab server in China. This competition was followed by 40 countries from various regions.
The team from ITB was represented by eight lecturers and students from the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (STEI), among them Rifqy Hakimi, S.T., M.T. (Telecommunication Engineering Lecturer / Network Team instructor), Abdul Latif, ST, MT, (Telecommunication Engineering Academic Assistant / Cloud Team instructor), Telecommunication Engineering students namely Afif Tri Farhan (Network Team), Putu Priyana Pradipta (Network Team), Bagas Purwa Sentika (Cloud Team), M. Nawaffaras Mahendika (Cloud Team), Gela Pambudi Adiluhung (Cloud Team), as well as Informatics Engineering students, namely Joshua Christo Randiny (Network Team).
This competition is in the field of ICT problem solving, configuration, and implementation of solutions on Huawei network devices such as routers, switches, firewalls, and access points. The most accurate solutions and implementations are entitled to get high marks. The used device is the one placed on the lab, being remotely accessed to Huawei servers in China.
The competition consists of a 90 minutes written test and a hands-on lab test of 4 hours. Each participant took their part in this competition from their respective houses, yet was still supervised by Huawei.
ITB Chancellor Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., congratulated the students and lecturers who have won the highest achievement in this 2019-2020 Huawei ICT Competition Global Final.
“Thank you to Huawei for providing a forum for students to learn more closely about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that is applied in the industrial world today, through several excellent programs, one of which is the Huawei ICT Academy and the Huawei ICT Competition,” said Prof. Reini.
She hopes that the long-standing cooperation and collaboration between ITB and Huawei can be continued and improved in order to build and prepare future Indonesian human resources who are competent in the ICT industry.
Prof. Reini advised the STEI team and all ITB students to keep enthusiast and work hard in learning and uphold sportsmanship. Never stop studying. “This victory is not the end of everything but is the initial capital to take a challenging tomorrow. Because the future of this country is in your hands,” she said.
Congratulations were also conveyed by Jacky Chen, CEO of Huawei Indonesia. He said as a technology developer who has been present in Indonesia for 20 years, Huawei Indonesia is also proud of the achievements made by ITB in the ICT competition.
“Congratulations to ITB and Indonesia!” said Jacky. “The achievements made by ITB increase our enthusiasm to continue and strengthen the synergies with the government, the world of education and the community in Indonesia for develops the human resource competencies in the ICT field, while continuing our long commitment to contribute in leading technologies which have present for 20 years in Indonesia,” he added.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Evita Sonny (Management, 2017)