LoCARNet 5th Annual Meeting 2016: Devising the Future Energy Starting from Asia

Oleh Cintya Nursyifa

Editor Cintya Nursyifa

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - ITB Energy Policy Center has managed to organize event titled Low Carbon Asia Research Network (LoCARNet) 5th Annual Meeting 2016 who just held on Tuesday and Wednesday (25-26/10/16) at the Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers. This is an annual event from LoCARNet, Asian energy researchers Community, which aims to bring energy experts collaboration in Asia especially Southeast Asia to discuss current issues surrounding the problem of energy resilience. A meeting involving the best experts from various countries took the theme of "Carrying out the Paris Agreement: Role of Research Communities in Supporting Science based Climate Policy".

This 5th  LoCARNet annual meeting consists of 5 parallel discussion sessions are packed within 2 days. Each discussion session begins with the submission of papers from certain speakers are interconnected to each other. Starting with the first parallel discussion moderated by Prof. Rizaldi Boer (SEAP IPB) and Dr. Agus Susatya (APIK Bengkulu University) with the theme of Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use (AFOLU). In this session discussed subject implementation of low-carbon land development in Merauke, completed with local science and technology's role in supporting such implementation. Low-carbon land is land contains a bit of carbon content of waste that can be derived from vehicle fumes and smoke factory. The experts from different countries shares the insight each other and contribute suggestions for ongoing development in eastern Indonesia.

As for the parallel next discussion sessions discussed about the importance of a good monitoring system on low-carbon land. The role of low-carbon land for the building and the city where he was also discussed very clearly by leading environmental experts in Asia such as Dr.Kozue Ashina (NIES Japan), Prof. Ucok Siagian (ITB-Indonesia), Dr. Nguyen Tung Lam (ISPONRE-Viet Nam), and Mr. Rukuh Setiadi (UNDIP Indonesia). A parallel discussion was closed with a discussion of the plan of contribution of each country involved in this meeting in the future in terms of development of low-carbon land. The last discussion, one of which was presented by Ir. Emma Rachmawaty (Ministry of Forestry and the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia) also features a discussion between sessions of the Conference participants. The final discussion of LoCARNet that discussed about future plans is expected to be the starting point of development LoCARNet to be getting better in the future.

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