LoCARNet 5th Annual Meeting 2016: Devising the Future Energy Starting from Asia
By Cintya Nursyifa
Editor Cintya Nursyifa

As for the parallel next discussion sessions discussed about the importance of a good monitoring system on low-carbon land. The role of low-carbon land for the building and the city where he was also discussed very clearly by leading environmental experts in Asia such as Dr.Kozue Ashina (NIES Japan), Prof. Ucok Siagian (ITB-Indonesia), Dr. Nguyen Tung Lam (ISPONRE-Viet Nam), and Mr. Rukuh Setiadi (UNDIP Indonesia). A parallel discussion was closed with a discussion of the plan of contribution of each country involved in this meeting in the future in terms of development of low-carbon land. The last discussion, one of which was presented by Ir. Emma Rachmawaty (Ministry of Forestry and the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia) also features a discussion between sessions of the Conference participants. The final discussion of LoCARNet that discussed about future plans is expected to be the starting point of development LoCARNet to be getting better in the future.