Looking into Prospective Career Opportunities for TPB SITH Students Based on SDGs
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – School of Life Science and Technology (SITH) ITB held a routine virtual routine meeting with the TPB students of SITH-Science and SITH-Engineering on Friday (11/2/2022). This meeting was attended by the Dean of SITH Dr. Endah Sulistyawati, the Head of SITH Study Programs, and SITH Lecturers. Moreover, to increase the enthusiasm and to provide more information about SITH, an ITB Insight lecture titled "Looking into Prospective Career Opportunities for TPB SITH Students based on SDGs" was held with Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha, a Professors from SITH ITB and the Dean of SITH from 2015 to 2020, as the main speaker.
"This meeting is special because everyone has experienced their first semester in ITB. For the students who experienced academic difficulties, please don't be afraid, because we are committed to providing tutorials. We want to make sure that you can pass 1 year of TPB in ITB well," said Dr. Endah Sulistyawati as an opening remark.
Prof. Nyoman explained that global climate change, which has become a very important problem and forces world figures to gather, can provide some visions for the future carrier of current TPB students because in the future they will become the driving force of this nation. One of the main things that tackle fossil-fuel-based climate change is the forest ecosystem, especially tropical forests. However, the tropical forest around the world is in dire condition and in urgent need of preservation.
United Nations has created the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) policies which consist of 17 objectives. SITH is involved at 6 out of 17 points of SDGs objectives. First, zero hunger because at this moment the available food supplies have been decreasing because of drought and land-use change. It gives an opportunity to SITH to develop new food sources based on microalgae, microbe-free farming, and the understanding of pest-repelling weeds.
Second, good health and well-being by developing stem cells and the utilization of microbiomes inside the human body to increase the immune system.
Third, affordable and clean energy which can have huge potential for Indonesia by creating biofuel and biodiesel from palm oil and the utilization of microbes to produce fat.
Fourth, climate action which will open whole new opportunities to innovate in seeking substitutions for the climate-causing activities such as livestock and agriculture by utilizing microbe, organic waste management by black soldier fly, and inorganic waste management by bioremediation.
Fifth, live below water and live on earth which seek to optimize ecology such as preserving the earth's lungs while also providing economic value for the forest by developing a non-wood economy through micro forestry technology.
"SITH optimizes local biological resources from all 6 Kingdoms and 3 Domains as a basis to develop its curriculum. Currently, the main biological topic in SITH is dominated by small-sized organisms. Based on SITH strategy 10 years ago which directed its vision and mission into bio-industry by optimizing the potential of tropical natural resources and developing strategies from various scientific fields such as science, engineering, and management which have been integrated to develop the biology field so that it can presume active role in tackling the climate change," explained Prof. Dr. I Nyoman Pugeg Aryantha.
Reporter: Alvina Putri Nabilah (Biology, 2019)
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)