ITB Students Secures 2nd Place in ISMC XIV Paper Contest with Acid Mine Drainage Bioremediation Proposal

Oleh M. Naufal Hafizh

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, - Three students of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) from various study programs who are members of the Orang Dalem Team won 2nd place in the paper contest at the Indonesian Students Mining Competition (ISMC) XIV held by the ITB Mining Student Association (HMT). The final rewarding held in the East Hall, ITB Ganesha Campus.

The three students are Andrew Hamonangan Nadapdap from Environmental Engineering, Made Adelia Putri from Metallurgical Engineering, and Anandito S. I. Nugroho from Mining Engineering.

The paper contest raised a world of mining theme, "Mine The Future: Utilization of Technology in Mining for the Welfare and Prosperity of the Society and Environment". Undergraduate and diploma students throughout Indonesia participated in this competition.

The Orang Dalem team proposed a paper entitled "Analysis of the Acid Mine Drainage Bioremediation Potential Using the PMDTS Method in Mimika Baru District, Mimika Regency". This research aims to evaluate the potential of the implementation of Passive Mine Drainage Treatment Systems (PMDTS) as an innovative bioremediation solution to overcome acid mine drainage problems at PT X, a mining company operating in Mimika Baru District, Mimika Regency, Indonesia.

“Bioremediation is the decomposition of tailings (mining waste) with bacteria. In short, the mechanism will allow the bacteria to consume the tailings. Then, the bacteria excrete and remove the tailings with an environmentally friendly method," said Anandito.

Anandito also explained that PT X is producing pyrite minerals that can react to produce acid mine drainage which has a negative impact on the environment. These tailings will have a different composition after being excreted by the bacteria. Gold, which is usually mixed with tailings waste, can now be separated and precipitated into pure gold after leaving the bacterial excretion process. On the other hand, worthless waste will be on top of the gold deposits.

Anandito explained that the solution they proposed could have a positive impact on the PT X company in the Mimika Baru District.

"With this solution, PT X will increase the gold recovery and thus increase the gross income up to 11.5 million dollars each day,” said Anandito.

However, the solution proposed by the Orang Dalem Team still has obstacles that should be resolved in the future. One of them is the need for a wet pond that has an area as large as Bandung City so that bacteria can carry out the bioremediation process.

The process of making this paper took almost five months. "Initially, Adel invited me to take part in this paper competition because we both had practical work internships at PT X," said Anandito. After that, Andrew joined and the Orang Dalem Team was formed. “We are quite deadliners in the process. However, it is important to be consistent and understand each job description," said Anandito.

“Anyway, it's really fun to be able to compete (together) with them. I was a bit surprised that I was actually able to win because the wet pond problem was quite crucial,” he said. Anandito also advised other students to keep on creating and not be afraid to try.

Reporter: Raja Parmonang Manurung (Mining Engineering, 2021)
Translator: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology, 2021)
Documentation: Tim Orang Dalem

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