Manggala Karya HMT-ITB, Improve Education Quality and Disaster Awareness in Warjabakti Village
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, — Mining Student Union Institut Teknologi Bandung (HMT ITB) organized a community service event in Warjabakti Village, Cimaung Subdistrict, Bandung Regency, West Java. The event, titled Manggala Karya, conveyed the meaning of a leader who act and strive for his or her surrounding environment through intellectual spirit to create an actual change.
The agendas which were held on Sunday 26th February 2023, focused on educational development and disaster awareness. With 106 volunteers participating, the event created impacts for the communities as well as leaving behind a great experience for the volunteers.
The community service activity integrated 3 themes on its course. Firstly is Education, where the activity focused on improving the quality of education in Hamlet 11, Warjabakti Village. The first step was done by providing additional schooling facility, such as textbooks, trash bins, stationeries, and reading books to be used by students from the Warjabakti Islamic Primary School.
Moreover, HMT ITB collaborated with the Interior Design Students ITB in the painting and creation of the school’s mural. The concept of the mural addressed the local education condition.
There were two different parts of the mural, with the left part portraying the village’s actual condition such as farming, husbandry, coffee planting, and many more. The right part demonstrated another side of development, with books, music, laboratory tools, and similar objects. Hopefully, the effort will raise children’s awareness about the importance of education for a better civilization.
“The school renovation and mural creation have adorned the classrooms and increased children’s motivation to learn more,” expressed Mr. Usep, one of the schoolteacher.
The second theme was Disaster Mitigation. HMT ITB conducted an analysis of incline stability and recommended countermeasures for Hamlet 4 Warjabakti Village, which experienced land movement in 2019. Afterwards, HMT ITB created a simple extensometer using wood materials to measure daily land movement and provide socialization of land movement measurement as well as criteria of unsafe inclines based on the recorded land movement measurement.
The final theme was Social Solidarity, with the purpose of cultivating said value in the community. AMES-ITB initiated community assimilation attempts through local cultural approaches, such as the communal eating with the villagers of Hamlet 11 Warjabakti Village termed ‘ngaliwet’. Moreover, HMT ITB also attempted other forms of approach such as through reintroducing the traditional Sundanese musical instrument, Angklung, and playing it together with the villagers of Hamlet 11 Warjabakti Village.
Hopefully, after the community service event, AMES-ITB could deliver greater impacts to the surrounding environment, as well as becoming a space for the regular members of AMES-ITB to develop sensitivity and social responsibility in realizing the Higher Education Three Principles (Tri Darma): Dedication to Society.
Reporter: Erika Mariana (Metallurgical Engineering, 2020)
Photo: The Association of Mining Engineering Student Institut Teknologi Bandung (HMT ITB)
Translator: Firzana Aisya (Bioengineering, 2021)