ITB Hosted Monitoring and Evaluation Phase of 2017 Student Creativity Program
By Aldy Kurnia Ramadhan
Editor Aldy Kurnia Ramadhan

BANDUNG, - 2017 Student Creativity Program held by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (Kemenristekdikti) has come to Monitoring and Evaluation (Monev) phase. This time, ITB hosted the Monev phase for 119 PKM teams coming from 15 universities. The phase was held on Monday-Tuesday (17-18/07/17) at Conference Room, CRCS Building of ITB.
Student Creativity Program (PKM) is an effort by Directorate of Research and Community Service (initially Directorate of Research and Community Service of Ditjen Dikti), General Directorate of Research and Development Reinforcement, Kemenristekdikti, to enhance the quality of students in higher education to be parts of society who have academic and professional capabilities to apply, develop, and spread sciences, technology, and arts, as well as to enrich national culture.
Various Kinds of PKM
There are seven kinds of PKM, namely Entrepreneurship PKM (PKM-K), Technology PKM (PKM-T), Research PKM (PKM-P), Community Service PKM (PKM-M), Mind-Building PKM (PKM-KC), Scientific Article PKM (PKM-AI), and Written Ideas PKM (PKM-GT). 5 PKMs (PKM-P, PKM-K, PKM-M, PKM-T, PKM-KC) are conducted in 5 activities, namely proposals, desk evaluation and stipulation of funded proposals, execution and reports, monitoring and evaluation, and PIMNAS (National Student Scientific Week). The other two PKMs (PKM-AI and PKM-GT) is divided in two phases, proposals and desk evaluation, as well as stipulation of proposals that get incentive.
Monev, which was held in ITB, was conducted in order to monitor and evaluate the development done by PKM participants after the acceptance of their proposals on March 2017. Moreover, Monev was also conducted to select teams eligible to enter PIMNAS. As one of the hosts, ITB sent at least 83 teams from a total of 119 teams competing in Monev.
Photo: Personal Documentation