Mengasihi, Entrepreneurship Student Startup from SBM ITB Won Pertamuda Seed and Scale 2023.

Oleh Anggun Nindita

Editor Anggun Nindita

BANDUNG, - The entrepreneurship student startup of the School of Business and Management of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Mengasihi, won the national business plan competition, Pertamuda Seed and Scale, for Early Stage Startup 2023 category.

Mengasihi is a breast milk powdering service for personal use using the lyophilization method. This method is a freeze-drying method that can maintain the nutrition and immunity of breast milk.

Mengasihi presents to answer the challenges faced by breastfeeding mothers who have excess breast milk. If stored for too long in the refrigerator, the flavor of the breast milk and its nutrients can be damaged. However, with the lyophilization process, breast milk can be stored for a long time without damaging its nutrients.

"We understand the difficulties of breastfeeding mothers who have excess breast milk. We want to provide a practical and nutritious solution for breastfeeding mothers," said the CEO of Mengasihi, Zakaria Khoiri Hermawan on Tuesday (19/12/2023).

Zakaria explained that Mengasihi uses a method developed by his team. This method has been tested in the laboratory and proven to maintain breast milk nutrition.

With the prize from Pertamuda, Mengasihi plans to build a breast milk powdering laboratory in Bandung. In addition, the team is also developing research to make Mengasihi's services more affordable.

"We hope Mengasihi can be a solution for breastfeeding mothers in Indonesia. We also hope to be a legacy in Wirussian (a nickname for SBM ITB entrepreneurship students) so that we can continue in the tradition of achievement," said Zakaria.

Zakaria also gave a message to other students who wanted to participate in a similar competition. He hopes that students can join the IMK Artha ITB "Sandbox Environment" agenda by Artha Enterprise, to further develop their business ideas.

"Sandbox Environment can help students develop various business soft skills. Without the collaboration with other sciences and working together with Artha Enterprise, perhaps Mengasihi could not reach a sustainable point," he said.

Mengasihi as a mark of achievement is expected to motivate other students to develop innovations that benefit the community.

Reporter: Fairuuz Fawwas Alfarizi Tantuayo (Kewirausahaan, 2024)
Translator: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)
Editor: Ayesha Lativa Mafaza (Postharvest Technology, 2021)

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