Mobile Computing Technology for the Mixed-Energy Instrumentation and Management System
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

Eco-friendly hot spot or abbreviated Eco-Spot projects are part of the HP Technology for Teaching award. Eco-Spot that is supported by the solar cell will provide electricity and a wireless network for 6 to 8 laptops. In this January, place for the Eco-Hotspot that is located in 2nd floor of Labtek VI has been realized and for the next will be followed by the electricity and instrumentation.
Engineering Physics received Grant from HP Technology for Teaching Award in 2008. The proposed project is "Integrating HP Mobile Computing Technology for Instrumentation and Control-Energy Mix". Grant from HP includes 1 package notebook for lecturers, 20 tablet PCs package for students, 1 width laser printer, and $ 20,000 cash.Grant will be used for mixed energy setup which includes:
1.Two sets of photo voltaic (PV) arrays, it have been installed over the Labtek VI building. HP Tablet PCs is used for mobile kit Instrumentation to measure sun radiation and DC electricity produced by PV, and the measurement results will be sent to the supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA) server via wireless network.
2.Electricity converted into DC and AC power is sent to the multimedia laboratory, where the electricity will be combined with electricity for the lighting in the main lab.A smart control system seted up so that light energy used as efficient as possible. This process is also monitored by the SCADA.
3.With using HP Tablet PCs, anywhere in the campus network, students and faculty can connect with the SCADA server and monitor the process and energy management.
Implementation of system-energy mix, includes energy mix setup such as photo-voltaic panel, charger, battery, inverter, and power switch to select from a variety of sources of energy, instrumentation and control system includes sensors, actuator, and micro controller. System connected with the supervision and control data acquisition(SCADA) servers through wireless network.Eco-Spot, hot spot areas that is connected with the mobile computing and instrumentation system, getting power from the energy-mix.
Engineering Physics lecturers involved in this project such as Ir. Eko Budi Mursito, MT as the Principal Investigator, Dr.-Ing. Aman Mostavan, DEA, photovoltaic experts; Dr.Ir. Edi Leksono, M. Eng, energy experts, Ir. R. Sugeng Joko Sarwono, MT., Ph.D, Acoustic & Lighting experts; Ir. Vishnu Hendradjit, M. Sc, thermal experts; Dr.Ir. Estiyanti Ekawati, MT, instrumentation experts.
System-energy mix will bring a new approach to study courses in Engineering Physics.Two new experiments of module has been developed for solar energy systems and SCADA.The lecturers who received the award will add this study case in class and encourage multidisciplinary analysis of the case. The award also encourages the use of technology for the mobile computer phone field experiment.Students insight on renewable energy will be developed through a field experiment about the performance of mixed-energy system in energizing internet hot spot area.During semester, 120 students will measure the solar flux, photo voltaic cell temperature, current and AC voltage, AC power as power result from inverter . Mobile technology will connect the instruments in the field to the internet that allows acquisition remote data, monitoring, and processing. This will encourage students to creatively present their results and share information with the labs and other course-related lectures.
Excitement in learning extends in the entire eco-spot!