Molecular Lego: Unloading Molecules to Materials Engineering

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, - Chemical Engineering Study Program  from ITB held a guest lecture on Thursday (31.10.13) at the X-239, Laboratorium Teknik X ITB. This guest lecture was held by Prof. Anders Hult, from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden. This is the headline guest lecture : "Molecular Lego, Step Towards Intelligent Polymer". The lecture was attended by about more than a  hundred students who are not only come from chemical engineering courses, but also from various other courses such as physics and materials science engineering.
Molecular lego is a combination of molecules that are engineered so as to have a certain shape in accordance with the aim of forming the compound . Like the game apart pairs at small lego , lego basic principles of molecular are almost the same . This difference in molecular lego , is that the pieces are not arranged in plastic form , but certain molecules . The molecule can be built to a compound disc-shaped , y - shaped or other forms . The properties of these compounds will then adjust to the shape and properties of native molecules builders . One example is a round-shaped dendrimer molecule symmetrical . This molecule can have hydrophobic properties ( likely reject water ) , so it can be used as a glass -forming polymer to be able to perform self-cleansing ( cleaning itself ) . Besides these molecules can also be used as a carrier material in the pharmaceutical industry , namely that certain drug compounds degraded at the right place.

Molecular lego topics which presented by Prof. Hult is one of the hot topics discussed in the field of materials engineering. In addition to its usefulness is very extensive, this area also has a base that is quite simple yet advanced in its development.

In this guest lecture, Prof. Hult also provide information related scholarship available at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. One through the Erasmus Mundus scholarship program for postgraduate masters and doctoral programs. Besides Prof. Hult, the college is also present representatives of the Embassy of Sweden as a resource for this scholarship information.

"The lecture was very useful. Not only the topic that i was interested in, but also the field of materials engineering. I also have heard about the KTH Royal Institute of Technology before and I was quite interested. In addition, to discuss about the material on molecular lego, also provide scholarship information is very interesting, "said Deden (Chemical Engineering 2009).

Bangkit Dana Setiawan (ITB Journalist Apprentice 2013)

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