MSMEs As Youth Entrepreneurs Alternative

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BANDUNG, (15/1), ITB Planology Engineering Students Association (Pangriptaloka) held a seminar topic in "Life Forms of Youth Entrepreneurs through MSMEs Potential" in the ITB West Hall (Aula Barat ITB) . The seminar, which is part of a series of events "Luminosity HMP Entrepreneurship, Workshop & Expo 2009" aimed to entrepreneurial spirit and motivation through sharing experience for participants, especially in the field of MSMEs (micro, small & medium enterprises). Come as speakers, Business Strategy Experts Rhenald Kasali, Agribusiness practitioner Bob Sadino, Young Entrepreneurs Jaya Setiabudi, Chairman of the Association of West java Exporters and Manufacturers Handycraft Yana Diah and franchise owners and Turkish kebab Baba Rafi Nilam Sari.


The first session about the emergence of a young Entrepreneurs, while the next session review about the spirit of entrepreneurship through self-development potential and opportunities for MSMEs. The first session was opened with a discussion with Bob Sadino (The Agri businessman). Bob said seriousness absolutely needed when launch and run a business if we want to achieve success. In addition, the sense of self-confidence is also the basis to start a business, especially the middle to lower business.
The first session was extended to the topic of The Power of 'Cornered' (Kepepet) Jaya Setiabudi (Director of the Young Entrepreneur Academy). This topic has become a brand for Jaya because it was taken from his best seller book title. Jaya told a story that 'cornered' has become part of his life since he was in college so that it enables him to take a decision in the short and effective way. This is very important in the world of business consider the strict regulations and the speed competition. "'Cornered' also would make us agile in action, not just thinking to start a business," said Jaya. Jaya presentation Followed by presentation of Yanna Diah Kusumawati (Chairman of the Association of Exporters and Manufacturers Handicraft Indonesia West Java) about the form and opportunity of MSMEs entrepreneurship in West Java. MSMEs was considered a strategic sector for beginners because it doesn't need many capitals and the objects is actually basic needs of the community.
Rhenald Kasali as key speaker stressed that the crisis marks a brighter prospect for entrepreneur rather than the job seekers. Crisis, said Rhenald, is a gift of God which loaded with a message of change. In order to appear as a winner in the difficult period, companies and individuals need to familiarize themselves to think creatively and take bold decisions. "The young must find opportunities as soon as possible. There are no shortcuts to achieve success. If want to success, do not pursue the money, in other hand pursue the meaning", said Rhenald mewanti.
In a seminar attended by about a hundred participants, basically every speaker stressed a similar message. In starting a business, faith and strong mental are required which indicated not to postpone to open a business. Recipes of business success, start now!

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