National Geology Seminar 2008: Overcoming Obstacles Of Indonesia's Future Energy
By Mandeep Kaur Gill
Editor Mandeep Kaur Gill

BANDUNG, On Saturday (17/5) National Geologi Seminar 2008 was held in ITB’s East Auditorium titled “MIGAS Industry, Solving Obstacles of Indonesia’s Future of Energy: Exploration, Macroeconomics, Government’s Intelligence and the Alternatives”. The seminar brought forth practitioners, elitists from the high authorities of the country’s energy sector to give their presentations- plans, blueprints and the intelligent Indonesian oil and natural gas industry.
The opening ceremony took off with the singing of Indonesian national anthem, Indonesia Raya along with an opening by the head of the event, Ciputra Hardana. After the opening by the Head of Geology Study Program, Dardji Noeradi was the final reception by Rudianto Hamid, FITB and ITB Rector representative.
The seminar was divided into 2 sessions. The first session had 4 presentations done by Luluk Sumiarso (Dirjen Migas), Taslim Yunus (BP Migas), Ong Han Ling (CBO Geoservice), and Paskah Suzetta (Menteri Negara PPN dan Ketua Bappenas), all of which were represented. There were many things focused upon on the national level seminar, like “Energy Consumption Demand Prediction in Relations of Growth of Indonesian Citizens in 2045.”
Meanwhile Luluk gave a presentation about how Dirjen Migas Answers the Problems of Energy Needs in Indonesia and Action Required to Solve Them”. Session 1 was continued with Taslim’s presentation titled “Intelligence of Migas- is it Relevant and Profitable for Indonesia?”. For the last presentation of session 1, Ong Han Ling explained about “Required Efficiency in Increasing the Country’s Income from Migas Production”. Session 1 was then closed by a discussion of all the seminar’s participants followed by break.
The second session took off with a presentation by Koesoemadinata, a Migas practitioner who wrote a paper titled “Migas Potential in Indonesia and its Exploration”. This was continued by Bambang Kustono, Director PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy who gave a presentation “Making Geothermal Energy Capable of Fulfilling Energy in Indonesia in Overcoming Oil and Natural Gas Crisis”. The event was closed by giving tokens of appreciation and door prize votes for the Geology seminar’s participants.