URP ITB Guest Lecture: Analyzing Bandung as Smart City

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id -- ITB Urban and Regional Planning (URP) Study Program held a guest lecture with the title ‘Bandung Smart City’ on Tuesday (31/08/2021). This guest lecture presented the Head of Bandung City Regional Development Planning and Research Agency, Anton Sunarwibowo, S.T., M.T., M.Sc. The theme was raised because it is considered that smart city is no longer static. Ridwan Sutriadi, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., from the Urban Planning and Design Research Group was also present as a lecturer and a moderator.

A smart city is always associated with information and communication technology (ICT). The smart city concept is not only adopted by cities but also counties or other regions, which is related to the existence of urbanization that does not only occur in cities but also in various regions. In fact, by 2025, nearly 68 percent of the population in Indonesia already lives in urban areas.

After opening the discussion on the relationship between urbanization and smart cities, Anton then explained the process of digital transformation. “Initially, digital transformation was set off by the industrial revolution 4.0, then accelerated due to Covid 19.

At first, the 100 Smart City movement was established by Kominfo in 2017. With the Covid-19, digital transformation is not only an option but has become the main and mandatory. In fact, we and Diskominfo are looking for a good platform for meetings or other work,” he explained.

Because the government's budget has limitations, a smart city constructor must collaborate with private parties. For example, a marketplace or an online motorcycle taxis since everything has changed, both government and business arrangements, from face-to-face to remote. "Our data during the Covid-19 pandemic shows that the culinary industry in Bandung is weak, only international franchises are still surviving even if they are not profitable to continue their operations," said Anton Sunarwibowo.
“So, we are now starting to learn new science, namely epidemiology, which is now a consideration for all activities. Planning, budgeting, monitoring, and evaluation are all based on epidemiology," said Anton Sunarwibowo.

A strong strategy and fund when realizing a smart city for human resource development is knowledge. "Our homework is integration in automation, standardization, and certification," said Anton. He said, for example, in Bandung, there are cases of hundreds of applications that do not work in realizing a smart city. Preferably, before making an application, there is consultation or assistance with a competent party.

Anton also explained several components that had been developed before Covid-19, from policies, branding, economics, social, to the environment. “Smart cities are not all about technology, but also a community approach and empowerment that can provide a better result,” he said.

Anton closed his presentation by discussing the impact of Covid-19 on several fields, for example, JPS Online which is in the government sector. "Now people who need assistance can be immediately assisted and the distribution can be done online," explained Anton.

Reporter: Zahra Annisa Fitri (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2019)
Translator: Aghisna Syifa Rahmani (Biologi, 2020)

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