Oddisey 2015: Applying Management Science through Theatrical Performances

Oleh Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Students of School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB back presented stunning theatre performance through event called Oddisey which is an abbreviation of Opera and Drama Inspired by SBM for Education Charity. Oddisey who has held eleven times was final project of Leadership and Management Practice course. In this year, Oddisey lasted for four days on Thursday-Sunday (26-29/03/15) in Dago Tea House Theatre Hall, West Java Cultural Park.

"This show is the culmination of compulsory courses for first year students of SBM ITB. Oddisey is lessoning about adaptation, self exploration, and team coordination as learning process to become a professional," said Dr. Eng Pri Hermawan, S.T., M.T. as Head of Management Program Study SBM ITB. "Through Oddisey, we encouraged students to challenge their comfort zone and try new things. Therefore, each individual able to adapt to the environments as a leader," added him when opened Oddisey show in the third day.

This year Oddisey showed a series of theatrical performances titled Amortacus. By taking theme in ghost story, this show presented two stories which combined elements of love (amor), human (mortal), and monster (ocus). Story in the first and second day titled The Monstruos Night. It told about a monster called Mothrus that does not have body who resided in a person's body. Then, third and fourth day story uplifted folklore of Mount Merapi which told about the life journey of the Princess Anjani. Uniquely, each story presented through three types of show included Body Performance, Romance Fantasy, and Mimesis Show.

By project-based learning model such this event, students can apply their management science that they have gotten in the classroom. Besides performed good show management, Oddisey also upheld standard of values in the theatrical performances such in opera and drama show. After the preparation and intensive training for ten weeks, actors who are all students of SBM ITB had succeeded to perform well in choreography, lighting, music arrangement, and storyline.

"Oddisey was not only about theatrical show. Here we learnt many things, included how to lead the team, manage the time, control the emotion, also understand the importance of friends and family sense in a team," said Yealinzka Tinnova (Management 2014) who acted as Executive Producer of Oddisey 2015. "Besides, we also learnt to share with others by donating profits from this show to those in need, especially in the field of education," lid her.

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