Offers Innovation and Creativity, Team from Geophysics Engineering ITB Achieve Victory

Oleh Shinta Michiko Puteri

Editor Shinta Michiko Puteri

BANDUNG, - ITB Students recently bring proud to their almamater again in the national programming competition. The competition is held by oil and gas industry service companies, Schlumberger, to develop plug-ins (extra tools) for homemade software, Petrel.  The team members are Ahmad Syahputra, Ellena Saufika, Saladin Muhammad Islami, and Phillipus Ronnie Adisatrio from Geophysical Engineering Program, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) ITB. They won second prize at Ocean Schlumberger Petrel Plug-In for Competition.

Many lessons can be learned from their struggles to set aside five universities in Indonesia. Seriousness and hard work take them to victory. Many stages they have to overcome in this event. "Starting from registration in June, followed by training for 3 days, the collection of abstract, programming, collecting, and ends with the presentation and judging in December," said Saladin.

After going through provisioning stage for 3 days, the team decided to choose one topic. "Finally we chose the 'crosshole tomography' topic to identify reservoirs of petroleum," said Ame. Ame added that crosshole tomography technique began ogled oil and gas industry for excellence in its resolution to detect oil and gas reservoirs.


Highly Prospective

After completing the program, the team was invited to Jakarta to conduct presentations and judging stages. Presentation sessions conducted for 30 minutes in front of the representation of oil and gas companies. "The judges comments are very good, the questions they asked just to make sure if the plug-in has been enhanced after the initial testing stages," said Ronnie.

The race results were announced on the same day, Monday (05/12/11). ITB won the second place. One of the judges of foreign oil and gas company commented, "This is the future, innovations that offer are highly prospective for the future development of oil and gas industry."


Inspiration Behind Victory

Their victory's inspiration can not be separated from the motivations and ideals. Ame who like programming since high school claimed to be grateful that the field he's currently learning is in line with his passion, which is programming. "I want to be a famous person in the field of geophysics and became one of the people of Indonesia who developed methods of geophysics in the oil and gas industry," Ame said when asked his goal.

After graduating college, Saladin, outstanding students FTTM ITB year 2009, his ambition is to be a seismic interpreter and go into research and development divisions of oil companies. In line with Saladin, Ronnie hopes to become geophysicists in the oil and gas services company. "Wanted to be able to continue the scholarship for S2 of the company," said Ronnie. Ellen also has the same dream to become a software developer that can be used in oil and gas industry.

Behind their good academic performance, they also actively organize. Saladin who now serves as head of the Department of Professionalism HIMA-TG 'TERRA' ITB is also a board advisor at the Regional Children's Forum (FAD) Bandung. Ame who chaired the academic division in the period 2009/2010 TERRA also served as chairman of Malay Culture Unit (UKMR) ITB. Currently Ronnie became Head of the Department of Internal on the same set. Likewise Ellena had chaired several professionalism events sets.

At the end of the conversation they share the inspiration for making something useful, "Do not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Always think creatively and out of the box. And the most important thing is to try from the smallest thing you can make and start from now, because if we continue to postpone the success will be increasingly long time to come true."

[By: Muhammad Hanif]

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