One Day Seminar : Toward a World Class University
By kristiono
Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, – Today the globalization age has meets to any sector in the world, education is none of exception. University in the country has now join the race toward internationally recognize university. In order to help university achieve their goals, On Tuesday (29/7), Sisfo ComLabs ITB holds one day seminar titled “Toward a World Class University” at ComLabs Seminar Room. The seminar which started on 08.30 am was note 30 university representatives as participant.
Seminar session was divided into three areas, each carried by different expert on their field. On the first session, Jonathan Sofian, SE.,M.Com,CHRP spoke about how to plan strategic management creating competitive advantages in the university. Along session, participants were feed to understand the tertiary dynamic environment, strategic plan management process for university, and description of the role of information technology (IT) for management strategic execution.
Afterward, Iyan Sofyan, ST. gave a comparative study of information technology application in strategic management ran in ITB. The final session, Hari Mantik, SKom.,MSi explained how to design IT blue print at each university, the participant has come from. The blue print is very useful to transform university into world class level. QA session, mark the closing, conducted till 5.00 pm.