Cornerstone-laying of STP “Astra dan Sinarmas” Institut Teknologi Bandung

Oleh Ahmad Fadil

Editor Ahmad Fadil

BANDUNG, – Since 2014, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) has envisioned Entrepreneurial Universtity. Initiated by Rector Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi, the vision was realized by tying partnership with both industries and the government.

One of the partnerships materializes in the construction of Science and Techno Park (STP) for Faculty/School as well as Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development (LPIK) ITB. ITB cannot realize the vision without the support from government over the regulation, and industry over the mass production of research results. Thus, Partnership is needed.

Thursday (24/04/2018) is a historic date for ITB. Together with Astra and Sinar Mas, ITB held cornerstone-laying ceremony that marks the beginning of construction of STP “Astra dan Sinarmas” ITB. The ceremony was attended by Rector of ITB and executives, representative from Astra International, Sinarmas, Kemenristekdikti, BAPPENAS, BAPPEDA of Bandung, and invited guests.

This building, which is situated in Jalan Ganesa, Bandung will stand above 2,500 m2 area with four floors, and will serve as co-working space, business incubator, mini laboratory, laboratory for open innovation, rented office space and the office of LPIK ITB.

“This Science and Techno Park is (erected) not for us present here today, but for the next young generation,” Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi said in his remark that opened the ceremony. Moreover, he said that the STP is a medium for innovators and researchers in science and technology, and the STP is the acceleration and realization of research result. It is expected to be a hub for innovators before going to industry.

In South Korea, STP is built on the collaboration between many parties such as the local and central government, industry, and university. STP ITB is also built on this triple-helix collaboration: Kemenristekdikti and BAPPENAS from the central government, BAPPEDA from the local government, Astra and Sinarmas from the industry, and ITB as science and technology higher education.

In Taiwan, they build STP that focus on electronics and semiconductor production. In this STP, research result is realized in marketable product that will enhance the economy of their nation. “The same with STP ITB, the expected output is a product with added value that can open up new employment and enhance the nation’s economy,” Kadarsah said.

Chief of Corporate Communication, Social Responsibility & Security Astra International, Pongki Pamungkas in his remark said, “Astra, with one of its aims to prosper with our nation, is obligated to contribute in building qualified human resources”. He thinks that the most important thing in the development of a nation is its human resources. The STP as a medium in the creation of innovation and research is expected to enhance the skill of the human resources within.

Managing Director Sinarmas, Saleh Husin said that industry in Indonesia need innovation for their development. “So far, many research results are unrealizable and end up only as research report. Therefore, there needs to be a medium to realize the innovation,” Saleh said. Hence, Saleh thinks STP is the solution by collaborating with technology higher education such as ITB.

The last remark from Kemenristekdikti represented by Director of Science and Technology Area and Miscellaneous Supporting Bodies of Kemenristekdikti, Dr. Ir. Lukito Hasta P,M.Sc., said that this STP is in line with the government’s target to lift Indonesia’s educational capacity by enhancing supporting infrastructure. The output is expected to be in the form of technology based Start-up. As a support from the central government, the Detail Engineering Design of STP is provided by Kemenristekdikti.

Science and Techno Park “Astra dan Sinarmas” Institut Teknologi Bandung is the embodiment of ITB’s role as the first engineering higher education in Indonesia that excel in education, research, and innovation.

Reporter: Irfan Ibrahim (Geodesy and Geomathics 2016)
Foto: Dr.Ir. Arry Akhmad Arman MT

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