Optimizing Performance and Efficiency Through High Performance Computing

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id- The availability of High Performance Computing (HPC) as a sophisticated computational technology is increasingly beneficial. HPC has the ability to provide a technological touch with high performance and shorten the duration needed for any computational process. Various topics on HPC was discussed in the seminar themed "High Performance Computing for Academic Programs" held in ComLabs ITB in the Multimedia Room of Comlabs.

Right after the event was opened by the head of ITB Information Resources Unit (USDI), Basuki Suhardiman, the seminar started, presenting lecturer Eko Mursito in a discussion themed "HPC and GRID Computing Overview". Aside from that, a team from Hewlett-Packard (HP) Indonesia also had the chance of providing solutions for the HPC technology offered by the company.

Storage Left Hand: 5 Advantages

HP Business Manager, Muh. Nimeiry Lucky, elaborated on the Storage Left Hand technology used for data storage purposes. According to him, the technology possesses 5 advantages compared to conventional data storage; storage clustering, network RAID, thin provisioning, snapshots, and remote copy.

With snapshots, for example, data could be scheduled and be backed-up into an image file online. Meanwhile, through remote copy, users could also replicate data into other lications. Both of these advantages would be very useful for data protection to prevent the corruption or unintentional deletion of files.

Thin Technology for Increased Efficiency

In the seminar, HP Technical Consultant, Andri Yoga, also addressed one of HPC's technologies; the Thin technology. This technology has various useful properties which can benefit client virtualization, web and cloud, and multi seat computing. Due to the developer's attention to to the environment, Thin technology is energy efficient too.

Multiseat, for example, offers a shared usage of PCs. Using one of multiseat's properties, tens of users would be able to access one PC simultaneously. By doing so, energy usage can be minimized up to 80%. Other than that, the whole access can be done with only one license.

One of the real impact of HPC nowadays is GRID computing, where HPC could assist the research process that requires high-level computation. With GRID computing, computational processes no longer loads alone. It can utilize HPC instead.

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