Personal Power for Successful Future

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, intelligent concept: Intelligent, Emotional, and Spiritual Quotient (IQ, EQ, dan SQ) has long been recognized. Mankind need to benefit from these three quotients to live a sccussfel life. Unfortunately, formal education leans too much towards intelligent quotient.

To complement these three skills, ITB Student Parent Association (IOM) held motivational sharing and personal power seminar on Saturday (30/10/10) in ITB. Free of charge! Undoubtedly, a lot of ITB students attended the event, altough Saturday is holiday.

The seminar suggested some ways so that one can make use of their potential in a smart way, to get into successful path in life. What is success, anyway?

Hendra Bahar, one of the seminar's keynote speaker said that, rather than an end, success is a journey. When a person is capable of meeting their current goals and ambitions, there will always be upcoming ones to achieve, explained Hendra.

Hendra, an ITB Electrical Engineering Alumni 1976 also said that successful persons are able to make use of their potentials, not only those that can be knowingly stirred and controlled, but also the ones that arecontrolled only by his subconscious mind.

Researches show that subconscious mind comprise of 88% of men's brainpower. It is very unfortunate that this prospective part never be properly utilized.

The good news is, according to Hendra, this subconscious part can be manipulated. This can help turn men's bad habits into good ones.

Hendra shared four steps to gain success: having life ambitions, flexibility, action, and adaptivity towards changes. "Quite a lot of successful persons have similar pattern or approach," he said.

Besides motivation, the event also shared experience , so the participants get to understand more. There were also games in the middle of the seminar, to maintain the participants' enthusiasm.

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