Pramuka Island Excursion: ITB Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering Students Participate in Field Lecture
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Lectures in Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) are not bound to inside a classroom. Lectures can also be held directly on the field through activities such as excursions. Between 17-19 March 2023, 87 students from Geodesy and Geomatics Study Program participated in an excursion activity for Hydrography II course on Pramuka Island, Seribu Archipelago.
The aim of this excursion event was for the students to gain experience regarding the implementation of materials that they had learned inside a classroom. “In addition to that, the aim is to improve their understanding of what they had been taught in regular lectures,” said Farras Rizqy Hafizh, Coordinator Lecture Assistant of Hydrography II.
On the field, students participated in several activities that had been summarized into six excursion modules. The six modules are:
a. Pressure-Based Tidal Observation and Transfer of Level
b. Manual Tidal Observation and Transfer of Level
c. Water Properties Measurement and Water Sampling
d. Current Measurement: Current Meter and ADCP
e. Meteorological Observation
f. Team Wrap-Up
There were several changes in this year’s excursion. The changes are in the location where the excursion modules were being performed.
The differences between this year’s excursion and last year are the location where the modules were being performed. “This year manual tide observation was carried out in three different islands,” said Farras.
Those three islands are Pramuka Island, Panggang Island, and Karya Island. So, students observed the tide in Panggang and Karya Island simultaneously so that they can know the difference in tide conditions at specific hours. For the Pramuka Island, tide conditions were observed using an automatic pressure sensor.
In addition to that, there are several developments in the excursion modules itself. “This year's excursion was complemented with the Meteorological Observation module using Automatic Weather Station (AWS) device,” added Farras. This AWS device has never been used in previous excursions.
This excursion received positive reception from the students. Dustin Edward Sipahutar (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, 2020) expressed his satisfaction towards this Hydrography II Excursion program. According to him, engineering students must be able to master the applications and implementations of their field of study.
“This event is very beneficial for engineering students who ought to master their field of study up to its implementation. Hopefully the program will always exist,” said Dustin.
Surely, to improve students’ understanding this kind of program is crucial. We all hope that this kind of program can be expanded. Therefore, ITB can create excellent graduates who are masters in their field.
Reporter: Kevin Agriva Ginting (Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering, 2020)
Photos Documentation: Hassan Rafi Akbari
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)