Processing Coffee Waste into Cascara Tea
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,— Students from ITB held a sharing session at Cilengkrang Village, Bandung, explaining the processing of coffee husks into cascara tea. The socialization that was carried out on 15 April 2023 aims to improve the community's creative economy.
Most people in Cilengkrang Village are coffee farmers; however, they have yet to manage the waste of the harvested coffee- its husks. Hence, the profit gained from coffee cultivation is less than optimal due to its waste not being processed. In order to change that, the CEC (Community Engagement Camp) social project from the ITB Character Education class organized the sharing session to elevate the selling value of coffee husks and providing additional income for the community.
This social project consisted of seminars and workshops with Dr. Ir. Mia Rosmiati, M.P., a professor from the ITB Bioengineering Study Program. She explained the benefits of coffee husks and demonstrated various processing methods. Furthermore, the workshop focused on the production of cascara tea from coffee husks, providing participants with valuable insights into the process.
"It is unfortunate that waste from coffee plantations has not been regulated by the community as a product from the village. If treated properly, the waste can become highly sought products- such as cascara tea and chips- that improve the economy and welfare of the community," Andri Maulana, the Head of the project, commented.
Andri hoped this social project could increase public awareness to start processing coffee waste into valuable products that provide more creative and economic opportunities for coffee farmers and their communities.
Reporter: Stefany Septiawati Nababan (Urban and Regional Planning, 2021)
Photo: CEC Group 2 Committee
Translator: Ruth Nathania (Environmental Engineering, 2019)