Prof. Eddy Agus Basuki Presented a Scientific Oration Regarding the Development of High-Performance Metal Alloys
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, - Forum Guru Besar Institut Teknologi Bandungheld a scientific oration on Saturday, March 20, 2021, virtually. One of the presenters is Prof. Dr Ir. Eddy Agus Basuki, M.Sc., from the Metallurgical Engineering, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) ITB. Prof. Eddy presented his research titled "Development of High-Performance Metal Guidelines and Its Initial Efforts on Manufacturing in Indonesia".
Prof. Eddy Agus Basuki started his speech that the world's population is increasing every year, reaching up to 8 billion. Therefore, it impacts increasing basic human needs, especially the material needs for several aspects of daily life. The most widely used material requirement is metals extracted from the Earth by mining engineers and purified by metallurgists.
Prof. Eddy stated that the metal production chain from mining ore to pure metal or metal alloys takes time. "The metallurgical scope consists of mineral processing, metals extraction and refining, and continues with the manufacturing of semi-fabricated parts," he extended. Prof. Eddy emphasizes the need for conservation and environmental concepts by producing alloys with a long-span lifetime for several utilizations such as power generation plants. In this case, the metal alloys should withstand higher temperatures. In his research presentation, Prof. Eddy said that generating engines' efficiency could increase with higher operating temperatures. These kinds of metal alloys are also known as high-performance metal alloys.
Prof. Eddy predicted that there would be a shift from conventional metal alloys to the use of high-performance steel-based metal alloys to nickel alloys in the future. Nickel has proven to be a very reliable alloy due to its high melting point. This condition allows nickel to perform well in several special situations, primarily when operated in very high-temperature condition, such as aeroplane engines in turbine parts. Besides, in his research, Prof. Eddy target metal alloys with higher strength and density ratios for use in the transportation area, such as automotive.
High-performance metal alloys rely on Fe and Ni-base metals with alloying elements: Cr, Al, Si, Mn, Ti, V, Nb, Mo, C, Y, and Zr. Cr has a small potential in Indonesia. The metallurgical sector itself is trying to replace Cr with Al because it is more effective.
The research development direction uses the M-3 concept, namely: multi-phase, multi-scale (nano-precipitates), and metastable (martensite, bainite). In Prof. Eddy's research, he utilizes the product from PT Antam and PT Inalum to develop Fe-Ni based superalloys, ferritic and austenitic alumina forming steels. Also, he collaborated with BATAN to develop oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels.
The results of Prof. Eddy's research gave positive results. "The indications obtained from both isothermal and cyclic tests show very good results. Where the rate of scale formation is relatively constant or flat with time, initially fast but then flat. This sign is indicating that the alloys can withstand with high temperature," he stated. Meanwhile, The results showed that both the cyclic properties were still very good. "It can be concluded that aluminum and chromium can work together synergistically to produce a protective layer," he added.
Prof. Eddy hoped that his research to develop on an industrial scale. So those adjustments are made to the National Industrial Development Master Plan (RIPIN). In the RIPIN, it is stated that in 2035 Indonesia must become a powerful industrialized country. The industry aims to produce components and high-value-added equipment and materials used for downstream industries such as agriculture, food, energy, medicine, information, communication, defense, security, transportation, and maritime. However, Indonesia hasn't built advanced materials and high-performance alloys yet, event hough these metal alloys have high selling value due to their increased demand.
"We, the students and lecturers of Metallurgical Engineering Department, are trying to make a concept of holistic integration upstream-downstream of metal alloys. The integration needs an analysis of several things, such as equipments and components needed," explained Prof. Eddy Agus Basuki.
He emphasized that it needs a bridge to connect national industry and university with a program, namely "teaching industry program", that he proposed its establishment in 2017. This program is expected to affect various high-quality metal alloys for domestic needs and export possibilities.
Prof. Eddy has published 68 papers in national and international journals as well as one reference book. His research field is about high-performance metal alloys and coatings, collaborating with several research institutions, namely BATAN and LIPI. Prof. Eddy has obtained various prestigious awards, including the Karya Satya award by the President of the Republic of Indonesia and an award from the Rector of ITB.
Reporter: Anastasia Meliana (Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 2019)
Translator: Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)