Prof. Hendriatiningsih, the First Indonesian Female Geodesy Professor to Retire
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Every meeting has a farewell, and every farewell leaves a lasting memory. This expression matched with the retirement of Prof. S. Hendriatiningsih, a lecturer from Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering FITB ITB.
FITB ITB and Surveying and Cadastre Research Group ITB gave Prof. Hendriatiningsih (Bu Ning) special offerings in a series of sharing session events on Monday (9/8/2021). The Chairperson of ITB Geodesy Alumni Association, Viviani Suhar (GD'92), guided the event as a moderator.
The sharing session entitled "The Journey of a Srikandi Geodesi (Women in Geodesy Engineering) to Become the First Female Professor in Surveying and Cadastre in Indonesia" invited ten women engineers in surveying engineering. The event was emotional because it was attended by Bu Ning's colleagues and Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering alumni from the '70s.
On this occasion, Bu Ning shared her journey to become a female professor of geodesy in Indonesia. She started entering the geodesy study program because she didn't like chemistry and failed to enroll for Civil Engineering ITB. However, after she enrolled in the geodesy study program, she found her passion in surveying and cadastre. During her undergraduate study, Bu Ning decided to develop an interest in the cadastral research group. As she graduated, she continued her education until she got a doctoral degree.
"What we want is not necessarily what we can achieve, but what is in front of us we must do with totality," said Bu Ning.
As an academician, Bu Ning received the highest educational degree, namely professor. She managed to get through a long process full of twists and turns and complicated stories that fluctuate up to this point. "As long as you are diligent, you can do anything," she said.
The ten women engineers from geodesy were allowed to share stories about their careers. They were Elly Rasdiani (GD'76), Ida Kusuma W. (GD'76), Detty Maulina (GD'83), Fitriyani Hasibuan (GD'86), Dian Afriyanie (GD'94), Astrit Rimayanti (GD '97), Nuraini Rahma H. ??(GD'00), Alfita Puspa H. (GD'03), Regina Maria H. (GD'10), and Evarina Engelina (GD'11). As a professor, Bu Ning inspired them in their current careers. Dian Afriyanie (GD'94), the Lokahita climate change and disaster researcher, said four values ??she received from Bu Ning. The four values were persistence (diligent and persistent), adaptive capacity, expanding the horizon, networking, and usefulness.
Meanwhile, Alfita Puspa H. (GD'03) remembered the quote from Bu Ning, which said that women are always the strongest foundation in any condition. Thanks to that quote, Alfita was inspired to be a researchers that researches the land and community-based disaster risk reduction.
Until the future, the figure of Bu Ning will continue to inspire the ten heroines. It could encourage more people. Even though Bu Ning retired, her services will be remembered forever.
Reporter: Pravito Septadenova Dwi Ananta (Geological Engineering, 2019)