Proposes CoRE Program, ITB Qualifies as Independent Entrepreneur Program Host University
By Cytra Ria Atmanegara - Lembaga Pengembangan Inovasi dan Kewirausahaan
Editor Cytra Ria Atmanegara

BANDUNG,— The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) in collaboration with the Education Fund Management Institute (LPDP) held the Grand Launching Program Wirausaha Merdeka/Independent Entrepreneur Program on Friday (15/7/2022). This event was attended by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Mr. Nadiem Anwar Makarim; Plt. General Director of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Mr. Nizam; General Director of Vocational Education Ms. Kiki Yuliati; Head of the 2022 Independent Entrepreneur Program Mr. Wachyu Hari Haji; as well as Jehian Panangian Sijabat (President Director Mantappu Corp) dan Aldi Adrian Hartanto (Partner at ARISE) for their sharing session with young entrepreneurs.
One of the agendas in the Grand Launching Independent Entrepreneur Program is the announcement of the host university. Institut Teknologi Bandung was chosen as one of the 17 universities throughout Indonesia to get the opportunity to facilitate students all over Indonesia to learn and hone themselves in entrepreneurship and business development.
Mendikbudristek Nadiem Makarim said that it is hoped that through this program many students will be formed into creative and innovative individuals through learning about entrepreneurship. This statement is reinforced by the target stated by Plt. General Director of Higher Education, Research, and Technology Mr. Nizam, who stated, “There are at least 10,000 students who can participate and dare to become young entrepreneurs, dare to fall, dare to get back up, dare to accept challenges, dare to hosts in their own country, to be the pride of their own parents and those around who are able to employ multiple parties."
Head of the 2022 Independent Entrepreneur Program Mr. Wachyu Hari Haji said that together with the official Independent Entrepreneur Program Host University announcement that day, the opportunity for students to choose and enroll in selected entrepreneurship education and business development programs was also opening. Through this program, students have the opportunity to focus on honing themselves and gain entrepreneurial knowledge proposed from the 17 best programs in the nation, where student participation can be claimed for learning courses at a maximum of 20 credits.
CoRE Program by LPIK ITB
The ITB CoRE Program, which was designed and executed by the Institute for Innovation Development and Entrepreneurship (LPIK), consists of 4 activities that are related to each other to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem and grow an entrepreneurial spirit among Indonesian students. The CoRE (Co-Creation on Research of Entrepreneurship) Program aims to connect the theory of innovation and entrepreneurship owned by students from teaching and learning activities in universities with the practice provided. These activities can help the students in acquiring skills that can be applied in the development of start-ups. The proposed series of programs are:
- ESC4PE: Entrepreneurship Summer Camp For Problem-Based Learning Education
- Business Idea Generation
- Entrepreneurship Development Program
- Startup Business Incubation Program
The ITB CoRE Program has a duration of 912 hours which can be converted to 20 credits in the MBKM program. In the planning process, the ITB CoRE Program can be followed through 3 ways:
First, students participate through all the CoRE ITB program activities for 16 weeks and can claim 20 credits.
Second, students follow part of the CoRE ITB program activities, namely ESC4PE: Entrepreneurship Summer Camp For Problem-Based Learning Education - ITB and Business Idea Generation (BIG) for 4 weeks and can claim 5 credits.
Third, students follow part of the CoRE ITB program activities, namely the Entrepreneurship Development Program and Startup Business Incubation for 12 weeks and can claim 15 credits.
Source: LPIK ITB Release
Reporter: Cytra Ria Atmanegara
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)