Public Lecture on Law : The Head of Judicial Commission Gains an Enthusiast Respond
By Medhira Handinidevi
Editor Medhira Handinidevi

BANDUNG, - Wednesday (13/02/13), the entourage of Judicial Commission visited ITB. Prof. Dr. Eman Suparman, SH., MH, as the Head of Judicial Commission (Komisi Yudisial, KY) was scheduled to give a lecture on "Corruption Erradication and Law Enforcement in Indonesia". Located in the West Hall, this public lecture was attracted hundreds of students from all kinds of major.
In this agenda, ITB's Rector, Prof. Dr. Achmaloka and Vice Rector on Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsyah were seen among the honoured guests. "Law enforcement has become very crucial in our country. The most important thing is to implement that spirit in our everyday life," said Achmaloka on his remarks. Particularly discussed about law, this lecture was a composite between the Studium Generale and the Anti-Corruption Study class. The big idea was to give a strong comprehension on law, because as an engineers students not only must we comprehend the Law of Gravity and the Dalton Law but we must be familiar with the law enforcement in our own country.
Led by kadarsyah, the discussion with Eman started with his explanation on corruption. Eman explained that corruption was called an extraordinary crime because it strikes every sector and it creates a prolonging disease in the government. The most significant repercussion was in the decrease of society's trust, especially on the sense of security. This made corruptionerradication was an urgent needs in society.

As it went on, Eman commented the role of Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Koreupsi, KPK). "KPK is only human, it is our duty to always supervise their performance in fighting corruption," said Eman. On this lecture, he analyzed Indonesia's law enforcement, especially in corruption. In the judicial world, sanction between corruption done by businessman and government beaurocrats was intended to be different. Nevertheless, this premise was often misguided by the court and judges. Those problems made the presence of KY was important, especially in supervising the performance of judges in Indonesia.
KY was created after the third amandement of UUD 1945. It is a respond to the decreasing trust for judges authority below the Suprime Court (Mahkamah Aguung, MA). Entering the millenium era, we often heard about judicial corruption. Manipulating sanction and arrangig the panel of judges was among a various indicators of judicial corruption happened in our law enforcement system. "Corruption judges must also be supervised, not only the defendants or the corruptors," claimed Eman.
From those problematic condition, came KY with its main authority to select the candidates for prime judges and ad-hoc judges in MA. Other authority such as making ethical codes for judges and enforcing judges' credibility was also the points of cencern in KY. The basic judgment in KY was ethical not criminal judgement. Therefore, judges' ethical violation or other unapproppriate doings were KY's everyday case. The society can also participate in this supervision mechanism. KY has a 24-hours hotline so the society can easily report the misdoing of judges or other cases.
r's Profile
Prof. Dr. Eman Suparman, SH., MH was a practioner on law and also an academic instructor. Born in Kuningan, 23 April 1959 he went to college in Padjajaran University taking a major on Law. Afterwards, he continued his master in Gajah Mada University and graduated on 1988. He also took a Doctoral Program on Law in Diponegoro university. On 2009 Eman was honored as professor in Law Major of Padjajaran University and on 2010 he was appointed to be the Head of Judicial Commission for 2010-2015 period.
Led by kadarsyah, the discussion with Eman started with his explanation on corruption. Eman explained that corruption was called an extraordinary crime because it strikes every sector and it creates a prolonging disease in the government. The most significant repercussion was in the decrease of society's trust, especially on the sense of security. This made corruptionerradication was an urgent needs in society.

As it went on, Eman commented the role of Corruption Eradication Commission (Komisi Pemberantasan Koreupsi, KPK). "KPK is only human, it is our duty to always supervise their performance in fighting corruption," said Eman. On this lecture, he analyzed Indonesia's law enforcement, especially in corruption. In the judicial world, sanction between corruption done by businessman and government beaurocrats was intended to be different. Nevertheless, this premise was often misguided by the court and judges. Those problems made the presence of KY was important, especially in supervising the performance of judges in Indonesia.
KY was created after the third amandement of UUD 1945. It is a respond to the decreasing trust for judges authority below the Suprime Court (Mahkamah Aguung, MA). Entering the millenium era, we often heard about judicial corruption. Manipulating sanction and arrangig the panel of judges was among a various indicators of judicial corruption happened in our law enforcement system. "Corruption judges must also be supervised, not only the defendants or the corruptors," claimed Eman.
From those problematic condition, came KY with its main authority to select the candidates for prime judges and ad-hoc judges in MA. Other authority such as making ethical codes for judges and enforcing judges' credibility was also the points of cencern in KY. The basic judgment in KY was ethical not criminal judgement. Therefore, judges' ethical violation or other unapproppriate doings were KY's everyday case. The society can also participate in this supervision mechanism. KY has a 24-hours hotline so the society can easily report the misdoing of judges or other cases.

Prof. Dr. Eman Suparman, SH., MH was a practioner on law and also an academic instructor. Born in Kuningan, 23 April 1959 he went to college in Padjajaran University taking a major on Law. Afterwards, he continued his master in Gajah Mada University and graduated on 1988. He also took a Doctoral Program on Law in Diponegoro university. On 2009 Eman was honored as professor in Law Major of Padjajaran University and on 2010 he was appointed to be the Head of Judicial Commission for 2010-2015 period.