ITB Development: Past, Now, and Later
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

ITB Development in The Past
When MacLa
ine Pont Henri designing buildings THS Bandung in 1918 , he had been considering a concept that in the present so-called sense of place and a sense of identity in the field of architecture . Port plan so that construction of buildings in the THS does not obstruct views of Mount Tangkuban Perahu . The main campus buildings , the West Hall and East Hall that he designed also seeks to include the value of a sense of identity by blending traditional architecture with modern technological advances konsturksi .
The development of the campus continued in the 1970s , where the master construction and restoration of buildings conducted by prof. Slamet building forms ITB Wirasonjaya make it look like we know it today . Then , Prof. Slamet Wirasonjaya also collate this campus into three zones , namely the traditional zone , transition zone and modern zone . Traditional zone starts from the front gate to the ITB campus buildings daerag Civil Engineering and Engineering Physics . The transition zone is the middle zone of the campus , which we now know as the four regions Labtek twins . Furthermore , modern campus zone is a region of central echoes up to the central library building and PAU ITB .
Campus development zoning is then made ITB build sports facilities and a conference hall now known as Sabuga complex and Saraga . Construction of the complex is then made two Siliwangi valley as part of the overall complex ITB development .
Another development in this period was conducted campus center building and restoration of the boulevard in the transition zone of the campus . Building campus center and boulevard restoration is then to make the campus look neater and more beautiful with trees around it . Campus center is expected to be a neutral public space ebuah and always changing activity , represented by the universality of the modern architectural style . Glass that dominates the south side and the north in line with the initial function as a showcase building that showed activity in it .
ITB Development At Present
With increasing time , the need for a new building can not be inevitable given the greater admissions annually . At present , the development lead to the development of ITB and ITB Multicampus lecture building . This lecture building development project carried out with funds from JICA and expected to be completed in 2015 . There are 7 new buildings to be built that building CADL ( Center of Arts , Design and Language ) , CRCS ( Center of Research and Community Services ) , CIBE ( Center for Infrastructure and Build Environmental Engineering ) , CAS ( Center for Advanced Sciences ) , Citie ( Center of IT for Industrial Engineering ) and Doping Laboratory .
In addition, the ITB campus also developed in the Jatinangor region by building Jatinangor ITB campus. The existence of this campus dedicated to the newly opened courses in various faculties like SITH - R and FTSL .. Campus who stands at the former University land Mukti Winaya this will be developed into a research center in the field of food , energy and the environment . Currently , the activities of lectures in ITB Jatinangor taking shape . ITB also provides a shuttle bus to facilitate students who have to frequently back and forth between the campus Ganesha and the campus Jatinangor.
ITB Development in The Future
In line with th
e vision and mission of this campus , ITB is expected to be a future " World Class University " . Therefore , ITB began planning development programs in addition to the external campus and college campuses Jatinangor Ganesha . In ITB Masterplan Strategic Plan 2010-2025 , which will further the development of the campus is the construction of ITB Bekasi and ITB Malaysia . ITB campus development in the area of Bekasi , precisely around the area of Industrial Jababeka which will be expected to make the ITB campus industrial research . Development of this industry planned research campus in synergy with applied research as an effort to improve the quality of Indonesian human resources in the field of industrial research .
In addition , there is a discourse to build ITB Malaysia . This development plan originated from the Malaysian government bid to build campus in Malaysia with a target of transnational student is ASEAN region and China .
To realize the ideals of the ITB as a " World Class University " , the development of this campus will continue to be done
. ITB continue to improve and strive to provide the best educational facilities to improve the quality of its graduates . In conducting campus development , of course, do not forget the ITB master plan that was created earlier . The uniqueness of ITB face , especially Ganesha campus , will be able to continue to enjoy the harmony created between old buildings and new buildings , as well as the shade of existing trees .
By : Ahmad Ibrahim Fahmi (Mechanical Industry 2011 )
When MacLa

The development of the campus continued in the 1970s , where the master construction and restoration of buildings conducted by prof. Slamet building forms ITB Wirasonjaya make it look like we know it today . Then , Prof. Slamet Wirasonjaya also collate this campus into three zones , namely the traditional zone , transition zone and modern zone . Traditional zone starts from the front gate to the ITB campus buildings daerag Civil Engineering and Engineering Physics . The transition zone is the middle zone of the campus , which we now know as the four regions Labtek twins . Furthermore , modern campus zone is a region of central echoes up to the central library building and PAU ITB .
Campus development zoning is then made ITB build sports facilities and a conference hall now known as Sabuga complex and Saraga . Construction of the complex is then made two Siliwangi valley as part of the overall complex ITB development .
Another development in this period was conducted campus center building and restoration of the boulevard in the transition zone of the campus . Building campus center and boulevard restoration is then to make the campus look neater and more beautiful with trees around it . Campus center is expected to be a neutral public space ebuah and always changing activity , represented by the universality of the modern architectural style . Glass that dominates the south side and the north in line with the initial function as a showcase building that showed activity in it .
ITB Development At Present
With increasing time , the need for a new building can not be inevitable given the greater admissions annually . At present , the development lead to the development of ITB and ITB Multicampus lecture building . This lecture building development project carried out with funds from JICA and expected to be completed in 2015 . There are 7 new buildings to be built that building CADL ( Center of Arts , Design and Language ) , CRCS ( Center of Research and Community Services ) , CIBE ( Center for Infrastructure and Build Environmental Engineering ) , CAS ( Center for Advanced Sciences ) , Citie ( Center of IT for Industrial Engineering ) and Doping Laboratory .
In addition, the ITB campus also developed in the Jatinangor region by building Jatinangor ITB campus. The existence of this campus dedicated to the newly opened courses in various faculties like SITH - R and FTSL .. Campus who stands at the former University land Mukti Winaya this will be developed into a research center in the field of food , energy and the environment . Currently , the activities of lectures in ITB Jatinangor taking shape . ITB also provides a shuttle bus to facilitate students who have to frequently back and forth between the campus Ganesha and the campus Jatinangor.
ITB Development in The Future
In line with th

In addition , there is a discourse to build ITB Malaysia . This development plan originated from the Malaysian government bid to build campus in Malaysia with a target of transnational student is ASEAN region and China .
To realize the ideals of the ITB as a " World Class University " , the development of this campus will continue to be done
. ITB continue to improve and strive to provide the best educational facilities to improve the quality of its graduates . In conducting campus development , of course, do not forget the ITB master plan that was created earlier . The uniqueness of ITB face , especially Ganesha campus , will be able to continue to enjoy the harmony created between old buildings and new buildings , as well as the shade of existing trees .
By : Ahmad Ibrahim Fahmi (Mechanical Industry 2011 )