Robin Hood MTI ITB: Kindling the Spirit of Community Services through Competition, Seminar, and Exhibition
By Gracia Isaura Raulina
Editor Gracia Isaura Raulina

BANDUNG, – Being one out of three points of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, community service should be engraved in the heart of every academician. Holding an event series entitled Robin Hood, the Society of Industrial Engineering Students of ITB (MTI ITB) and Paragon showed the support to student community services through community service idea competition, exhibition, and seminar. Borrowing the name Robin Hood, MTI ITB symbolized the action of sharing the wealth of the rich to the poor. The main event was held on Saturday (25/03/17) at Aula Barat ITB.
The event began with presentation from the finalist of community service idea competition. Those ideas were delivered in front of jury, the four speakers of the seminar. At the same time, the exhibition competition that displayed community service activities conducted by various Student Society of ITB was also held. The winner was decided by the votes from attendees.
After two hours long of exhibition competition, the event continued with long-awaited seminar by four speakers that brought the theme “What Can You Do in Your 20s?” The four speakers were Emanuel Agung Cahyo (Lead Software Engineer Indorelawan), Suci Hendrina (Public Relation Manager of Paragon), Muhamad Junaedi (Community Manager of, and Eliya Amilati Hanafi (Pengajar Muda).
Robin Hood ended with announcement of community service idea and exhibition competitions winners. The five finalists of the former are Lantana Camara SF, Blue Horns MTI, Cateringpedia, RBC Himatek, dan Katering PL HMP with Lantana Camara SF, Blue Horns MTI, Cateringpedia, RBC Himatek won the 1st 2nd and 3rd place respectively. They won a total of Rp 13.500.000 to realize their ideas. The 1st winner, Lantana Camara SF presented trash market where people can exchange their trash with goods they want. The exhibition competition was won by the Society of Informatics Engineering Students of ITB (HMIF ITB).