Free Paper Generation With WordPress
By asni jatiningasih
Editor asni jatiningasih

Blog is the electronic media that can reduce the greenhouse gases effect. This is because blogs become an alternative media in addition to conventional paper. With writing on paper which made of wood pulp, indirectly increase the number of felled trees. This was discussed during the discussion on the use of WordPress for the professionals in the event "Paperless Generation with Wordpress" in the ITB ComLabs Multimedia Room, Monday (19/01).
Not only discuss about the issue with regard of blog environment, this event also present good blog writing tips, how to manage the blog site correctly, and ways to earn a living through the blog.
Discussions attended by high school students in Bandung invited the speaker CEO Asia Blogging Network Budi Putra, Personal BlogDetik Donny BU, ITB Lecturer Dr.Taufikurahman, Jonru from and Ryan Koesuma from The event that was held on the cooperation of Bandung Blog Village, ITB Student Association and ITB ComLabs USDI also as a closing of wall magazine online competition among high school students in Bandung.
WordPress, a free blog site provider, have wall magazine online for students in high school. The participants competed in Bandung Blog Vaganza using wordpress template that has been provided. Teams came from SMAN 13, SMAN 4, SMAN 20, SMAN 15, SMA YAS, SMA BPI 1 and SMKN 8, SMKN 12, SMKN 4 and SMA Informatics.