ITB Students Bring Home Five Titles in International I-CAPS 2017
By Fatimah Larassaty Putri Pratam
Editor Fatimah Larassaty Putri Pratam

BANDUNG, – ITB students have once again displayed their excellence by winning five nominations in I-CAPS (International Student Joint Capstone Design Project) which enter its fifth time this 2017. I-CAPS is a collaboration between several universities, namely ITB, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Nanyang Technological University, Tianjin University, and National Cheng Kung University with Innovation Hub Center for Engineering Education (IHCEE) Chonbuk National University—a consortium comprised of 13 universities in South Korea.
About I-CAPS
Under I-CAPS series there is a sub-competition called d-CAMP (International Students Design Camp), held in Bandung on last February. In every I-CAPS program, there are two d-CAMP held in either Indonesia-Korea or Malaysia-Korea. Not only as a time to submit early proposal for I-CAPS 2017, in a relatively short time participants is expected to collaborate to find ideas, design, and make prototype related to the theme and topic given.
Group project is done from distance since February to August. Distant collaboration is a challenge not only because it comes from various discipline of engineering and design but also because the group members were comprised of students of different nationalities. For example, there are groups with five to seven students from Korea and Indonesia, and other groups with students from Korea and Singapore—every group has a Korean student. After less than five months of designing and prototype making, participants presented the result in August in South Korea.
Work, Achievement, and Hope
From a total of 20 teams, 23 ITB students spread among eight teams. Five out of those eight teams won a title, with the grand prize and silver prize for each team and bronze for three teams. Following are the winning team members from ITB and their designed prototypes:
1. Grand Prize won by Iffah Faizah (Mechanical Engineering 2013), Arlene Dupe (Architecture 2013), Ichwaldo H. Sendyartha (Electrical Power Engineering 2013), Park In Ju (Chonnam University, Electronic Computer), and Byeon Mi Jeong (Chonnam University, Electronic Computer); with the prototype Relax Me, a stress detector and aromatherapy.
2. Silver won by Irham Mulkan Rodiana (Electrical Engineering 2013), Freddy Kurniawan (Mechanical Engineering 2013), Ninik Karnia (Industrial Design 2013), Choi Ye Chan (Chonbuk National University, Chemical Engineering), and Kim Du Gyeong (Chonbuk National University, Chemical Engineering); with prototype Re-lease, an urinoir that detects condition of urine.
3. Bronze won by Kevin Sunjaya (Electrical Engineering 2013), Obert (Mechanical Engineering 2013), Regina Dyani Dwiharini (Industrial Design 2013), Kim Bo Kyung (Mokpo National University, Information Protection), and Moon Su Yeon (Mokpo National University, Information Protection); with prototype Deblice, a device that ease communication for the blind and deaf.
4. Bronze won by M. Dieno Pradana (Mechanical Engineering 2013), Tiara Annisaa (Engineering Management 2013), Kinari Nur Aulia (Industrial Design 2013), Kim Sol (Chungnam University, Radio Science Engineering), and Han Na Rae (Chungnam University, Radio Science Engineering); with prototype Azco, an companion device for the elderly.
5. Bronze won by Ika Kurniawati (Mechanical Engineering 2013), Faisal Fathoni (Environmental Engineering 2013), Rio Apriliady (Industrial Engineering 2013), Yoon So Young (Chonbuk National University, Biomedical Engineering), and Cha Eun Hye (Chonbuk National University, Biomedical Engineering); with prototype Kof, a portable cough filter.
The four winners Grand Prize, Gold, and Silver was then invited to E2Festa (Engineering Education Fiesta-Capstone Design Fair). E2Festa which was planned to be held next November in Gwangju, South Korea is a techno-festival where eight innovation hub of South Korean universities display their products.
Regarding those achievements, the winners hope that fellow students to accomplish more. The first step is by trying and taking any available chance because no one know where it leads. “Do not forget to stay healthy!” they said, concluding the interview.