International Seminar on Analysis of Spatial Data

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, - Prof Luc Anselin, Director of School of Geographical Science, University of Arizona, USA, on Wednesday (11/6) arrived Urban and Regional Planning Department of ITB as prominent speaker on the international seminar titled “What is Special about Spatial: Spatial Thinking and Spatial Econometrics” and “Spatial econometrics, models, methods and software” at the seminar room, level 2, Labtek IXA building. Welcoming of the world prominent scientist on spatial data analysis and spatial econometric was upon invitation of Centre for Environment Management, Regional and Infrastructure (PP PLWI) ITB. Spatial data analysis has always played a central role in the quantitative scientific tradition in geography and has received considerable attention as an essential element in the development of GIS, and as an important factor in urban and regional modeling. Prof Luc Anselin not only had explored general issues related to the distinctive characteristics of spatial data analysis but also explain the detail of the role of spatial errors in modeling and analysis. Systematically, Director of Science Geography of University of Arizona, USA, settled the characteristic of spatial data which stressed on its relevance for econometric and statistic. Closing his presentation, Prof Luc Anselin expressed his vision above the future trend of the direction of statistic and econometric research. Prof. Luc Anselin earned his PhD (1980) in Regional Science from Cornell University. He holds a Masters in Econometrics, Statistics and Operations Research from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium. In the 2004, Prof Anselin was elected a Fellow of the Regional Science Association International. He obtained the Walter Isard Award in 2005 and the William Alonso Memorial Prize in 2006.

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