Commemorating Its 71st Year, FMIPA-ITB Held Award Ceremony
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Academics of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held its 71st year commemoration at Aula Barat ITB, Jalan Ganesha no 10 Bandung, on Saturday (6/10/2018). Besides as anniversary commemoration, the event was also a place to present several awards to FMIPA-ITB’s academics who excel in their respective fields.
*Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro M.Sc.,Ph.D., (center) in a photo session with FMIPA Award 2018 recipients. From left to right: Sapto Wahyu Indratno S.Si.,M.Sc.,Ph.D. (Excellent in Community Service), Dr. Hendro, MS. (Special Award in Education) from Physics Program, Dean of FMIPA, Prof. Djulia Onggo, Ph.D. (Excellent in Education) from Chemistry Program, and Dr. Kiki Vierdayanti (Excellent in Research) from Astronomy Program. (Photo: Doc. FMIPA-ITB),
FMIPA Award 2018 for Outstanding Lecturer category were awarded to Dr. Kiki Vierdayanti (Excellent in Research) from Astronomy Program, Prof. Djulia Onggo, Ph.D. (Excellent in Education) from Chemistry Program, Sapto Wahyu Indratno, Ph.D. (Excellent in Community Service), and Dr. Drs. Hendro, MS. (Special Award in Education) from Physics Program.
Award recipients in outstanding alumni category are Dr. Andy S. Susetio (alumni of Chemistry Program), Ratu Tisha, S.Si. MA. (alumni of Mathematics Program), Dr. Orbita Roswintiarti, M.Sc. (alumni of Physics Program), and Hanindyo Kuncarayakti, Ph.D. (alumni of Astronomy Program). In outstanding staff category, Rina Martina from Basic Chemistry Lab of ITB and Dede Enan, SAP from information system unit of FMIPA ITB received the award.
*Photo Session of Outstanding Alumni Award Recipients (Doc. FMIPA-ITB)
In this commemoration, Dr. Kiki Vierdayanti from Astronomy Program, who is also an award recipient deliver a scientific oration themed “Fenomena Akresi dalam Kajian Astrofisika Energi Tinggi” or “The Phenomenon of Accretion in High Energy Astrophysics Studies”.
*Dr. Kiki Vierdayanti (Doc. FMIPA-ITB)
Within this 71st commemoration series, FMIPA, School of Pharmacy (SF), and School of Life Sciences and Technology (SITH) of ITB will hold a joint seminar, The 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Natural Sciences 2018 (The 7th ICMNS 2018). The seminar will be held in ITB Ganesha Campus on 2-3 November 2018. The ICMNS will carry the theme Integrated Science & Mathematics for Better Future.