The First IRSA Seminar and Workshop

Oleh Krisna Murti

Editor Krisna Murti

Bandung, - Indonesia Regional Science Association (IRSA) held a Seminar, Workshop and Paper Presentation on Thursday (1/11) until last Saturday (3/11). The workshop was held at Labtek IXA, while Paper Presentation was held at Auditorium, Campus Center ITB. Seminar titled "Sustainable Regional Development: The Role of Infrastructure in Achieving Millennium Development Goals" was an international seminar inviting speakers, practitioners, and scholars from Indonesia and abroad to present papers that mainly was in the area of infrastructure development in Indonesia. Seminar was officially opened by representative of West Java Governor, Lex Laksamana on Friday night. In his opening remarks, Prof. Dr. Adang Surahman, M.Si., Senior Vice Rector of Academic, explained that sufficient infrastructure development was the most important means to support economic improvement of societies. He hoped that this IRSA Seminar could help optimizing infrastructure development, even with limited resources. Prof. Dr. Bambang Brojonegoro, President of IRSA, hoped that IRSA could make scholars and practitioners interested with spatial dimensions and able to contribute more in the framework of infrastructure development in Indonesia. IRSA alone is an association consist of people from various backgrounds, such as architecture, civil engineering, economy, management, urban planning, and other discipline that has common interest in spatial dimension and area planning. IRSA Seminar was a great opportunity for participants to build communications among other disciplines for the sake of improvement and development of infrastructure, particularly in Indonesia. Moreover, Lex said that West Java Province Government will always provide facilities and help for practitioners and scholars who develop infrastructure in West Java Province. The seminar and workshop invite speakers and paper presenters from universities such as Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Universitas Sebelas Maret; and also invite pratitioners from Bappenas, The Australian National University, University of Groningen, etc.

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