Balai Pertemuan Ilmiah (BPI) ITB Received The Bandung City Cultural Heritage Award 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,—Balai Pertemuan Ilmiah (BPI) ITB received The Bandung City Cultural Heritage Award for Protection category II (public buildings that must continue to adapt) 2021 by The Bandung City Government.
The award was presented to the Secretary of the Institute, Prof. Dr. -Ing. Ir. Widjaja Martokusumo, by the Vice Mayor of Bandung, Yana Mulyana, at the 2021 Bandung City Cultural Heritage Award, held Thursday (17/12/2021) at the el Royale Hotel, Jalan Merdeka, Bandung City.
Located on St. Dipatiukur No. 4/St. Surapati No. 1, BPI ITB is managed for academic and non-academic activities. Previously, the building was nominated for its well-cared and preserved management, ensuring its continued existence.
Yana Mulyana, the Vice Mayor of Bandung, was very appreciative of the efforts made by conservationists to preserve heritage buildings in the city of Bandung. As a result, he expected that the award served as a motivation for future management.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Bandung City Culture and Tourism Office, Kenny Dewi Kaniasari, stated that the activity of awarding cultural heritage awards to conservationists of cultural heritage buildings was carried out for the fifth time since its inception in 2016. The Bandung City Government had previously given awards to 30 owners or managers of heritage buildings.
"The purpose and objective of holding this activity are to build the spirit of conservationists of cultural heritage buildings in terms of carrying out conservation in the right rules, both interior and exterior, innovating but still having one theme with its authenticity, displaying the figure of well-maintained cultural heritage buildings, and utilizing cultural heritage buildings according to their functions," Kenny explained.
The selection of 50 buildings was conducted in several stages, beginning with collecting nominees, then conducting field surveys and assessments from November 9-18, 2021, followed by determination on November 19, 2021, and finally an audience with potential recipients of cultural heritage awards on December 6, 2021.
According to its history, BPI ITB was designed by an Austrian architect, Ir. Albertus Wilhelm Gmelig Meyling of Ingenieursbureau Ingenegeren-Vrijburd (IBIV) NV Bandung, and completed in November 1953. The structure was finished in February 1955 and put to use on April 7, 1956, until today.
"There was a shift in function in the 2000s. Initially, the structure houses the lectures. However, since ITB became BHMN, the function has been set as a place for the activities of the Board of Trustees (MWA), the Academic Senate, professor inaugurations, scientific oration activities, and other academic senate activities," said Dr. Allis Nurdini, Deputy Director of ITB Infrastructure Facilities, during a review with the Bandung City Cultural Heritage Award jury.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Naffisa Adyan Fekranie (Oceanography, 2019)